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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 19 ten-letter words containing H, M, 2O, P, T and Y

AMYOTROPHYamyotrophy n. (Pathology) atrophy of muscles.
AMYOTROPHY n. atrophy of the muscles.
CHOMOPHYTEchomophyte n. (Botany) Any plant that grows in rock fissures or crevices.
CHOMOPHYTE n. a plant growing on rocky ledges.
CHROMOTYPEchromotype n. (Historical) A sheet printed in colour by any process, such as a chromolithograph.
chromotype n. (Historical) A photographic picture in the natural colours.
CHROMOTYPE n. a sheet printed in colors by any process, as a chromolithograph.
CORMOPHYTEcormophyte n. (Now informal, botany) Any plant having a proper stem or axis of growth, which is distinct from its…
CORMOPHYTE n. a plant differentiated into leaf, stem and root.
ECTOMORPHYectomorphy n. The condition of being ectomorphic.
ECTOMORPHY n. the state of being an ectomorph.
HOMEOPATHYhomeopathy n. A system of treating diseases with small amounts of substances which, in larger amounts, would produce…
HOMEOPATHY n. the use of minute quantities of medications that in large amounts, produce symptoms like those of the disease being treated, also HOMOEOPATHY.
HOMEOTYPIChomeotypic adj. (Genetics) Relating to the second nuclear division in meiosis.
HOMEOTYPIC adj. denoting or relating to the second nuclear division of meiosis, which resembles mitosis, also HOMOEOTYPIC.
HOMOPLASTYhomoplasty n. (Biology) The formation of homologous tissues.
HOMOPLASTY n. the quality or fact of being homoplastic, also HOMOPLASY.
HOMOTYPIESHOMOTYPY n. the relation of homotypes.
HYPOSTOMEShypostomes n. Plural of hypostome.
HYPOSTOME n. any of several structures associated with the mouth in different invertebrates.
MYTHOPOEIAmythopoeia n. Creation of any myth.
mythopœia n. Obsolete spelling of mythopoeia.
MYTHOPOEIA n. the making of myths.
MYTHOPOEICmythopoeic adj. Giving rise to myths; pertaining to the creation of myth.
mythopœic adj. Obsolete typography of mythopoeic.
MYTHOPOETSmythopoets n. Plural of mythopoet.
MYTHOPOET n. a mythmaker; a writer of poems on mythical subjects.
NEPHROTOMYnephrotomy n. (Surgery) The surgical procedure of cutting, or making an incision in, a kidney.
NEPHROTOMY n. the extraction of a stone from the kidney by cutting.
PATHOGNOMYpathognomy n. The expression of the passions or emotions; the science of the signs by which human passions are indicated.
PATHOGNOMY n. the science of the signs by which human diseases are indicated.
PHLEBOTOMYphlebotomy n. The opening of a vein, either to withdraw blood or for letting blood; venesection.
PHLEBOTOMY n. the surgical opening of a vein to draw blood.
PHOTOMETRYphotometry n. (Physics) The measurement of various aspects of light, especially its intensity.
photometry n. (Astronomy) The measurement of the intensity and spectrum of light from stars.
PHOTOMETRY n. that branch of science which treats of the measurement of the intensity of light.
POTTYMOUTHpottymouth n. Alternative spelling of potty mouth.
potty␣mouth n. (Idiomatic, euphemistic) The characteristic of regularly using vulgar language, especially strong profanities.
potty␣mouth n. (Idiomatic) A person having this characteristic.
TOMOGRAPHYtomography n. Imaging by sections or sectioning.
TOMOGRAPHY n. X-ray photography in which parts of body in front of, or behind, the part under examination are not shown.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 61 words
  • Scrabble in French: 3 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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