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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 13 ten-letter words containing H, M, N, 2O, S and U

HARMONIOUSharmonious adj. Showing accord in feeling or action.
harmonious adj. Having components pleasingly or appropriately combined.
harmonious adj. Melodious; in harmony.
HOMOGENOUShomogenous adj. (Biology) Having the same genetic structure; exhibiting homogeny.
homogenous adj. (See usage notes) Alternative form of homogeneous (“having the same composition”).
HOMOGENOUS adj. having a resemblance in structure, due to descent from a common progenitor with subsequent modification.
HOMOGONOUShomogonous adj. (Botany) Having all the flowers alike in terms of the stamens and pistils.
HOMOGONOUS adj. exhibiting homogony, the condition of having flowers of equal size.
HOMONYMOUShomonymous adj. Having the same name as another (i.e., like a namesake).
homonymous adj. Of or pertaining to a homonym.
homonymous adj. (Ophthalmology) Homonymous hemianopsia (blindness in the same side of both eyes).
HOMOOUSIANhomoousian adj. Having the same essence or substance, especially with reference to the first and second persons of the Trinity.
homoousian n. (Historical) One of those, in the 4th century, who accepted the Nicene Creed and maintained that the…
HOMOOUSIAN n. one of those, in the 4th century, who accepted the Nicene creed, and maintained that the Son had the same essence or substance with the Father.
HOMOTONOUShomotonous adj. Of the same tenor or tone; equable; without variation.
HOMOTONOUS adj. of the same tenor or tone, also HOMOTONIC.
HOMOUSIANShomousians n. Plural of homousian.
HOMOUSIAN n. one who believes God the Son to be the same as God the Father.
HUMANHOODSHUMANHOOD n. the state of being human.
LUNCHROOMSlunchrooms n. Plural of lunchroom.
LUNCHROOM n. a room where lunch is served.
MONANTHOUSmonanthous adj. (Botany) Having only a single flower.
MONANTHOUS adj. of certain plants, having or producing only one flower.
THEONOMOUStheonomous adj. Of or relating to theonomy.
THEONOMOUS adj. relating to theonomy.
UNHUMOROUSunhumorous adj. Not humorous.
UNHUMOROUS adj. not humorous.
UNSMOOTHEDunsmoothed adj. Not smoothed.
UNSMOOTH v. to make not smooth.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 40 words
  • Scrabble in French: 6 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 3 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 1 word

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