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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 16 ten-letter words containing H, M, N, 2O, S and T

HEMOTOXINShemotoxins n. Plural of hemotoxin.
HEMOTOXIN n. a substance that destroys red blood cells.
HOMOTONIEShomotonies n. Plural of homotony.
HOMOTONY n. harmony of tone.
HOMOTONOUShomotonous adj. Of the same tenor or tone; equable; without variation.
HOMOTONOUS adj. of the same tenor or tone, also HOMOTONIC.
MONANTHOUSmonanthous adj. (Botany) Having only a single flower.
MONANTHOUS adj. of certain plants, having or producing only one flower.
MONOSTICHSmonostichs n. Plural of monostich.
MONOSTICH n. a composition consisting of one verse only.
MONOTHEISMmonotheism n. The belief in a single deity (one god or goddess); especially within an organized religion.
monotheism n. The belief that God is one person (Judaism, Christianity, Islam), not three persons (Trinitarianism, Hinduism).
mono-theism n. (Nonstandard) Alternative form of monotheism.
MONOTHEISTmonotheist n. A believer in, or advocate of, monotheism.
MONOTHEIST n. one who believes that there is but one God.
MONOTROCHSmonotrochs n. Plural of monotroch.
MONOTROCH n. (Scott) a wheelbarrow.
MOONLIGHTSmoonlights v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of moonlight.
MOONLIGHT v. to take a second job.
NOMOTHETESnomothetes n. Plural of nomothete.
NOMOTHETE n. a lawgiver.
SMOOTHENEDsmoothened v. Simple past tense and past participle of smoothen.
SMOOTHEN v. to free from lumps, also SMOOTH.
SMOOTHINGSsmoothings n. Plural of smoothing.
SMOOTHING n. the act of smoothing.
SMOOTHNESSsmoothness n. The condition of being smooth; the degree or measure of said condition.
smoothness n. (Mathematical analysis, of a function) The highest order of derivative (the differentiability class)…
smoothness n. (Approximation theory, numerical analysis, of a function) The quantity measured by the modulus of smoothness.
THEONOMIEStheonomies n. Plural of theonomy.
THEONOMY n. rule by a god.
THEONOMOUStheonomous adj. Of or relating to theonomy.
THEONOMOUS adj. relating to theonomy.
UNSMOOTHEDunsmoothed adj. Not smoothed.
UNSMOOTH v. to make not smooth.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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