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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 19 ten-letter words containing H, I, M, 2O, P and S

BISHOPDOMSbishopdoms n. Plural of bishopdom.
BISHOPDOM n. the jurisdiction of a bishop.
DIMORPHOUSdimorphous adj. Dimorphic; occurring or existing in two different forms.
DIMORPHOUS adj. characterized by dimorphism; occurring under two distinct forms, not dependent on sex; dimorphic.
HOMOPHILEShomophiles n. Plural of homophile.
HOMOPHILE n. a homosexual.
HOMOTYPIESHOMOTYPY n. the relation of homotypes.
HYPOCORISMhypocorism n. (Countable) A term of endearment; a hypocoristic, a pet name.
hypocorism n. (Uncountable) The formation of terms of endearment or pet names.
hypocorism n. (Uncountable, rare) Baby talk, such as bow-wow for dog and choo-choo for train.
ISOMORPHICisomorphic adj. (Mathematics) Related by an isomorphism; having a structure-preserving one-to-one correspondence.
isomorphic adj. (Biology) Having a similar structure or function to something that is not related genetically or through evolution.
isomorphic adj. Having identical relevant structure; being structure-preserving while undergoing certain invertible transformations.
MONOPHASICmonophasic adj. Of, related to or affected with monophasia.
monophasic adj. Having a single phase.
MONOPHASIC adj. of electric current, single-phase, also MONOPHASE.
MOTORSHIPSmotor␣ships n. Plural of motor ship.
MOTORSHIP n. a ship with a motor.
MYOPHILOUSMYOPHILOUS adj. pollinated by flies, also MYIOPHILOUS.
MYSOPHOBIAmysophobia n. An abnormal fear of uncleanliness, dirt, or contamination.
MYSOPHOBIA n. an irrational fear of dirt.
OMBROPHILSombrophils n. Plural of ombrophil.
OMBROPHIL n. a plant flourishing in extremely rainy conditions, also OMBROPHILE.
OMOPHAGIASomophagias n. Plural of omophagia.
OMOPHAGIA n. the eating of raw flesh, also OMOPHAGY.
OMOPHAGIESomophagies n. Plural of omophagy.
OMOPHAGY n. the eating of raw flesh.
ORTHOPRISMORTHOPRISM n. in monoclinic crystals, a form consisting of two faces parallel to the orthodiagonal.
SHAMPOOINGshampooing v. Present participle of shampoo.
shampooing n. The act of cleaning something with shampoo.
SHAMPOO v. to wash with a liquid soap.
SIPHONOGAMSIPHONOGAM n. a plant reproducing by seed.
SOPHOMORICsophomoric adj. Of, relating to, or characteristic of a sophomore.
sophomoric adj. Conceited and overconfident of knowledge but poorly informed and immature.
sophomoric adj. Pretentious; inflated in style or manner.
SYMPHONIONsymphonion n. (Music, historical) A combination of pianoforte and harmonium, the precursor of the orchestrion.
SYMPHONION n. a combination of piano and harmonium.
ZOOPHILISMzoophilism n. An affection for non-human animals.
zoophilism n. (Epidemiology) A preference of a parasite or vector to feed on non-human animals.
zoophilism n. Zoophilia, a sexual inclination towards bestiality.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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