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There are 17 ten-letter words containing H, I, M, N, S, T and U

ANTHURIUMSanthuriums n. Plural of anthurium.
ANTHURIUM n. a tropical American plant.
ENTHUSIASMenthusiasm n. Intensity of feeling; excited interest or eagerness.
enthusiasm n. Something in which one is keenly interested.
enthusiasm n. (Obsolete or historical) Possession by a god; divine inspiration or frenzy.
HUMANISTIChumanistic adj. Of or pertaining to humanism.
HUMANISTIC adj. relating to humanism.
HUMANITIEShumanities n. Plural of humanity.
humanities n. (Obsolete) Synonym of classical studies: the study of Ancient Greek and Latin, their literature, etc.
humanities n. The study of language, literature, the arts, history, and philosophy, sometimes including religion.
INHUMANESTinhumanest adj. Superlative form of inhumane: most inhumane.
INHUMANE adj. not humane.
LUNCHTIMESlunchtimes n. Plural of lunchtime.
lunch-times n. Plural of lunch-time.
LUNCHTIME n. the time at which lunch is eaten.
MISCANTHUSmiscanthus n. Any of several perennial grasses, of genus Miscanthus, native to subtropical and tropical regions of…
Miscanthus prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Poaceae – the miscanthus grasses.
MISCANTHUS n. any of several hardy, ornamental, perennial grasses.
MUTTONFISHmuttonfish n. (Chiefly US) Any of several Atlantic and Caribbean fishes which are said to taste of mutton, especially…
muttonfish n. (Australia) Any of several edible molluscs of the genus Haliotis; an abalone.
MUTTONFISH n. a common food fish of the Western Atlantic.
OUTSHAMINGoutshaming v. Present participle of outshame.
OUTSHAME v. to surpass in shaming.
PUNISHMENTpunishment n. The act or process of punishing, imposing and/or applying a sanction.
punishment n. A penalty to punish wrongdoing, especially for crime.
punishment n. A suffering by pain or loss imposed as retribution.
RUTHENIUMSrutheniums n. Plural of ruthenium.
RUTHENIUM n. a metallic element of the platinum group.
THAUMATINSthaumatins n. Plural of thaumatin.
THAUMATIN n. a sweetener extracted from a West Indian fruit.
THRUMMINGSthrummings n. Plural of thrumming.
THRUMMING n. the act of thrumming.
THUMBIKINSthumbikins n. An instrument of torture for compressing the thumb; a thumbkin or thumbscrew.
thumbikins n. Plural of thumbikin.
THUMBIKINS n. (Scots) an instrument of torture for compressing the thumb; a thumbscrew, also THUMBKIN.
THUMBLINGSthumblings n. Plural of thumbling.
THUMBLING n. a diminutive being, a dwarf.
THUMBNAILSthumbnails n. Plural of thumbnail.
thumbnails v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of thumbnail.
THUMBNAIL n. the nail of the thumb; a sketch as small as a thumbnail.
TUNESMITHStunesmiths n. Plural of tunesmith.
TUNESMITH n. a songwriter or composer of light music.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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