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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 18 ten-letter words containing H, I, L, P, S, T and U

BISULPHATEbisulphate n. (Inorganic chemistry) Alternative spelling of bisulfate.
BISULPHATE n. a salt containing double the proportion of the acid radical present in a sulphate, also BISULFATE.
BISULPHITEbisulphite n. (Inorganic chemistry, Britain) Alternative spelling of bisulfite.
BISULPHITE n. a salt or ester of sulphurous acid containing the monovalent group, also BISULFITE.
BUTLERSHIPbutlership n. The rank, office, or position of a butler.
BUTLERSHIP n. the office of a butler.
DISULPHATEdisulphate n. (Chemistry) A salt or ester of disulphuric acid or pyrosulphuric acid; a pyrosulphate.
disulphate n. (Chemistry) An acid salt of sulphuric acid, having only one equivalent of base to two of the acid.
DISULPHATE n. a pyrosulphate.
MULTIPHASEmultiphase adj. That generates, or employs, multiple alternating current supplies with the same voltage but different phase angles.
MULTIPHASE adj. having many phases.
PATCHOULISpatchoulis n. Plural of patchouli.
PATCHOULI n. (Tamil) an Asiatic tree with a fragrant perfume oil; the resulting perfume, also PACHOULI, PATCHOULY.
PILOTHOUSEpilothouse n. (Nautical) A wheelhouse.
pilothouse n. A yacht or other small vessel which has a wheelhouse.
PILOTHOUSE n. a shelter for steering gear and pilot.
SHLUMPIESTSHLUMPY adj. (Yiddish) slovenly.
SPHERULITEspherulite n. A minute spherical crystalline body having a radiated structure, observed in some vitreous volcanic…
SPHERULITE n. a radiating spherical group of minute crystalline fibres occurring in certain rocks.
SPRIGHTFULsprightful adj. Sprightly; spirited; lively; animated.
SPRIGHTFUL adj. (obsolete) full of spirit or of life.
SULPHATINGsulphating v. Present participle of sulphate.
SULPHATE v. to treat with sulfuric acid, also SULFATE.
SULPHATIONsulphation n. Alternative spelling of sulfation.
SULPHATION n. the act of forming a sulphate, also SULFATION.
SULTANSHIPsultanship n. The office or status of a sultan.
SULTANSHIP n. the office or dignity of a sultan.
SUPERLIGHTsuperlight adj. Extremely lightweight.
superlight adj. (Not comparable) faster-than-light, FTL; Faster than light speed (“c”).
superlight n. Alternative form of super light.
SUTLERSHIPsutlership n. The condition or occupation of a sutler.
SUTLERSHIP n. the office of sutler, one who sells liquor or provisions to soldiers.
TRIUMPHALStriumphals n. Plural of triumphal.
TRIUMPHAL n. (Milton) a token of victory.
TUROPHILESturophiles n. Plural of turophile.
TUROPHILE n. a connoisseur of cheese.
UPLIGHTERSuplighters n. Plural of uplighter.
UPLIGHTER n. a light-fitting that throws light upwards.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 50 words
  • Scrabble in French: 3 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 12 words

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