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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 20 ten-letter words containing H, 2I, P, R, S and T

APHORISTICaphoristic adj. Of, relating to, or containing aphorisms, maxims or epigrams; gnomic.
APHORISTIC adj. relating to aphorism.
EDITORSHIPeditorship n. The position or job of being an editor.
EDITORSHIP n. the office or charge of an editor.
GRAPHITISEgraphitise v. Alternative form of graphitize.
GRAPHITISE v. to convert wholly or partly into graphite, also GRAPHITIZE.
HIPPURITEShippurites n. Plural of hippurite.
HIPPURITE n. a Cretaceous fossil lamellibranch with one conical valve and one flat one.
HIPSTERISMhipsterism n. Hipness.
hipsterism n. Something typical of a hipster.
HIPSTERISM n. the state of being a hipster, a person who knows and appreciates up-to-date jazz.
INTERNSHIPinternship n. A job taken by a student in order to learn a profession or trade.
INTERNSHIP n. the office of an intern.
NEPHRITICSnephritics n. Plural of nephritic.
NEPHRITIC n. a medicine alleviating kidney conditions.
OOPHORITISoophoritis n. (Pathology) inflammation of the ovaries.
OOPHORITIS n. inflammation of the ovaries.
PERITRICHSperitrichs n. Plural of peritrich.
PERITRICH n. a bacterium bearing a ring of cilia around the body.
PHYSIATRICphysiatric adj. Relating to physiatry.
PHYSIATRIC adj. relating to physiatry, treatment of injury by physical means.
PRIESTSHIPpriestship n. Priesthood.
PRIESTSHIP n. the office of priest.
PYRRHICISTpyrrhicist n. (In Ancient Greece) One who danced the pyrrhiche.
PYRRHICIST n. (historical) one who danced the pyrrhic.
SHIPFITTERshipfitter n. A person employed to fabricate and assemble the structural parts of a ship.
ship␣fitter n. Alternative spelling of shipfitter.
SHIPFITTER n. one who fits out a ship.
SHIPWRIGHTshipwright n. A person who designs, builds and repairs ships, especially wooden ones.
SHIPWRIGHT n. a carpenter skilled in ship construction and repair.
SHRIMPIESTshrimpiest adj. Superlative form of shrimpy: most shrimpy.
SHRIMPY adj. abounding in shrimp.
SPHERICITYsphericity n. (Chiefly uncountable) The quality of being spherical, being a sphere.
sphericity n. (Geometry, countable) The ratio of the surface area of a given particle to the surface area of a sphere…
SPHERICITY n. a descriptive term to describe how close a particle's shape is to a sphere.
SPRIGHTINGsprighting v. Present participle of spright.
SPRIGHT v. (Shakespeare) to haunt.
THRAIPINGSTHRAIPING n. (dialect) a thrashing.
TRIPPERISHtripperish adj. (UK, colloquial) Characteristic of a tripper or tourist.
TRIPPERISH adj. of or like a vulgar, noisy tripper.
WRITERSHIPwritership n. (Now historical) The position or office of a writer in the East India Company.
writership n. The job of a writer or clerk; clerkship.
WRITERSHIP n. the office of a writer.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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