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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 18 ten-letter words containing H, 2I, L, P, S and T

BISULPHITEbisulphite n. (Inorganic chemistry, Britain) Alternative spelling of bisulfite.
BISULPHITE n. a salt or ester of sulphurous acid containing the monovalent group, also BISULFITE.
CEPHALITIScephalitis n. (Medicine, dated) phrenitis.
CEPHALITIS n. inflammation of the brain, or of the meninges of the brain, aka phrenitis.
CHILTEPINSchiltepins n. Plural of chiltepin.
CHILTEPIN n. a variety of chili pepper.
CLIENTSHIPclientship n. The position of a client.
CLIENTSHIP n. the state of being a client.
ECTHLIPSISecthlipsis n. (Phonology) The dropping out or suppression from a word of a consonant, with or without a vowel.
ecthlipsis n. (Phonology) The elision of a final /m/, with the preceding vowel, before a word beginning with a vowel.
ECTHLIPSIS n. the omission of one or more sounds in pronouncing a word.
EPITHELISEepithelise v. Alternative form of epithelialize.
EPITHELISE v. to convert to epithelium, also EPITHELIZE.
HELIPILOTShelipilots n. Plural of helipilot.
HELIPILOT n. the pilot of a helicopter.
ISOPLETHICisoplethic adj. Relating to isopleths.
ISOPLETHIC adj. of or like an isopleth, a line connecting points of equal aspect of climate.
LIGHTSHIPSlightships n. Plural of lightship.
light-ships n. Plural of light-ship (alternative form of lightships).
LIGHTSHIP n. a ship intended to function as a lighthouse.
OPHIOLITESophiolites n. Plural of ophiolite.
OPHIOLITE n. a slice of oceanic rock and upper mantle that has been thrust over the edge of a continent.
PHALLICISTphallicist n. One who regards the penis or phallus as a sacred symbol.
PHALLICIST n. one who practises phallicism, worship of the phallus.
PHILISTIASPHILISTIA n. the class or world of cultured Philistines.
PHILISTINEphilistine n. (Derogatory) A person who is ignorant or uneducated; specifically, a person who lacks appreciation of…
philistine adj. (Derogatory) Ignorant or uneducated; specifically, lacking appreciation for or antagonistic towards…
Philistine n. (Historical) A non-Semitic person from ancient Philistia, a region in the southwest Levant in the Middle East.
PHLOGISTICphlogistic adj. (Medicine) Inflammatory; pertaining to inflammations and fevers.
phlogistic adj. (Chemistry, physics, now historical) Pertaining to or containing phlogiston.
phlogistic adj. (Obsolete) Burning, fiery.
PHTHISICALphthisical adj. Phthisic.
PHTHISICAL adj. of or pertaining to phthisis.
SLIPSTITCHslipstitch n. (Knitting) A kind of stitch that is passed from the left needle to the right needle without being knitted.
slip␣stitch n. Alternative form of slipstitch.
SYPHILITICsyphilitic adj. (Pathology) Of, relating to, or infected with syphilis.
syphilitic n. A person with syphilis (but see people-first language).
SYPHILITIC adj. of or like syphilis, a venereal disease.
ZOOPHILISTzoophilist n. A lover of animals.
zoöphilist n. Alternative spelling of zoophilist.
ZOOPHILIST n. a lover of animals.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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