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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 14 ten-letter words containing H, 2I, 2L, N and S

BILLIONTHSbillionths n. Plural of billionth.
BILLIONTH n. a thousand millionth part.
CHILBLAINSchilblains n. Plural of chilblain.
chilblains n. (Usually with "the") The condition of having chilblains.
CHILBLAIN n. a painful red swelling, esp. on hands and feet, caused by constriction of small blood vessels in cold weather.
CHILLINESSchilliness n. The state or sensation of being chilly; a disagreeable sensation of coldness.
CHILLINESS n. the quality of being chilly.
CHISELLINGchiselling v. (Britain) present participle of chisel.
chiselling n. A piece of work produced using a chisel.
CHISELLING n. the act of shaping with a chisel.
HELICLINESHELICLINE n. a spiral-shaped ramp.
HIRSELLINGHIRSELLING n. the act of putting into different groups.
INSHELLINGinshelling v. Present participle of inshell.
INSHELL v. (Shakespeare) to enclose in a shell, also ENSHELL.
MILLIONTHSmillionths n. Plural of millionth.
MILLIONTH n. a millionth part of.
RELLISHINGrellishing v. Present participle of rellish.
RELLISH v. (Shakespeare) to warble.
SCHILLINGSschillings n. Plural of schilling.
SCHILLING n. (German) any one of several small German and Dutch coins.
SHIELDLINGSHIELDLING n. a protected person.
SHRILLINGSshrillings n. Plural of shrilling.
SHRILLING n. a piercing sound.
WINDCHILLSwindchills n. Plural of windchill.
wind␣chills n. Plural of wind chill.
WINDCHILL n. the cooling effect that wind has as it blows on a surface.
ZILLIONTHSzillionths n. Plural of zillionth.
ZILLIONTH n. a zillionth part of something.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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