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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 15 ten-letter words containing H, 3I, N, S and T

DISINHERITdisinherit v. (Transitive) To exclude from inheritance; to disown.
DISINHERIT v. to deprive of an inheritance, also DISHERIT.
DISINHIBITdisinhibit v. To remove an inhibition.
DISINHIBIT v. to remove restraints on (used esp. of drugs affecting behaviour).
ETHICISINGethicising v. Present participle of ethicise.
ETHICISE v. to treat as an ethical matter, also ETHICIZE.
HISTAMINIChistaminic adj. Relating to or containing histamines.
HISTAMINIC adj. relating to a histamine.
HISTIDINEShistidines n. Plural of histidine.
HISTIDINE n. an amino acid found in proteins, also HISTIDIN.
HISTRIONIChistrionic adj. Of or relating to actors or acting.
histrionic adj. (By extension) Excessively dramatic or emotional, especially with the intention to draw attention.
HISTRIONIC adj. relating to the stage or actors, also HISTRIONICAL.
INHIBITERSinhibiters n. Plural of inhibiter.
INHIBITER n. something or someone that inhibits, also INHIBITOR.
INHIBITORSinhibitors n. Plural of inhibitor.
INHIBITOR n. something or someone that inhibits, also INHIBITER.
MISHITTINGmishitting v. Present participle of mishit.
mis-hitting v. Present participle of mis-hit.
MISHIT v. to hit poorly.
NIHILISTICnihilistic adj. Of or relating to nihilism.
NIHILISTIC adj. relating to nihilism.
NIHILITIESnihilities n. Plural of nihility.
NIHILITY n. the state of being nothing.
PHILISTINEphilistine n. (Derogatory) A person who is ignorant or uneducated; specifically, a person who lacks appreciation of…
philistine adj. (Derogatory) Ignorant or uneducated; specifically, lacking appreciation for or antagonistic towards…
Philistine n. (Historical) A non-Semitic person from ancient Philistia, a region in the southwest Levant in the Middle East.
RHINITIDESrhinitides n. Plural of rhinitis.
RHINITIS n. inflammation of the mucous membranes of the nose.
RHINITISESRHINITIS n. inflammation of the mucous membranes of the nose.
TRICHINISETRICHINISE v. to infest with trichinae, a small, slender nematoid worm, also TRICHINIZE, TRICHINOSE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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