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There are 17 words containing H, L, R and 3U

HUMOURFULhumourful adj. Humorous; comical.
HUMOURFUL adj. full of humour, also HUMORFUL.
UNHURTFULunhurtful adj. Not hurtful.
UNHURTFUL adj. not hurtful.
SULPHUROUSsulphurous adj. (Chiefly British spelling) Alternative spelling of sulfurous.
SULPHUROUS adj. containing sulphur in lower valency; pertaining to hellfire, also SULFUROUS.
UNTRUTHFULuntruthful adj. Not giving the truth; providing untrue facts; lying.
untruthful adj. Pertaining to falsehood; corrupt; dishonest.
UNTRUTHFUL adj. not containing or telling the truth.
SULPHUREOUSsulphureous adj. (British spelling, now rare) Sulphurous.
SULPHUREOUS adj. pertaining to or like sulphur, also SULFUREOUS.
UNHURTFULLYunhurtfully adv. In a way that is not hurtful.
UNHURTFUL adv. not hurtful.
SULPHUROUSLYsulphurously adv. Alternative spelling of sulfurously.
SULPHUROUS adv. containing sulphur in lower valency; pertaining to hellfire, also SULFUROUS.
UNTRUTHFULLYuntruthfully adv. In an untruthful manner; falsely.
UNTRUTHFUL adv. not containing or telling the truth.
SULPHUREOUSLYsulphureously adv. Archaic form of sulfurously.
SULPHUREOUS adv. pertaining to or like sulphur, also SULFUREOUS.
UNHURTFULNESSunhurtfulness n. The quality of not being hurtful.
UNHURTFULNESS n. the state of being unhurtful.
HYPOSULPHUROUShyposulphurous adj. Alternative form of hyposulfurous.
HYPOSULPHUROUS adj. of or derived from hyposulphurous acid.
SULPHUROUSNESSsulphurousness n. The quality of being sulphurous.
SULPHUROUSNESS n. the state of being sulphurous, also SULFUROUSNESS.
UNTRUTHFULNESSuntruthfulness n. The state of being untruthful; dishonesty.
UNTRUTHFULNESS n. the state of being untruthful.
HYDROSULPHUROUSHYDROSULPHUROUS adj. as in hydrosulphurous acid.
PULCHRITUDINOUSpulchritudinous adj. (Literary) Having great physical beauty.
PULCHRITUDINOUS adj. beautiful, comely.
SULPHUREOUSNESSsulphureousness n. Archaic form of sulphurousness.
SULPHUREOUSNESS n. the state of being sulphureous.
UNHURTFULNESSESUNHURTFULNESS n. the state of being unhurtful.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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