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There are 19 words containing H, L, P, R, T and W

PLAYWRIGHTplaywright n. A writer and creator of theatrical plays.
PLAYWRIGHT n. a person who writes plays.
PLOWWRIGHTplowwright n. A person who builds and repairs plows.
PLOWWRIGHT n. one who makes ploughs, also PLOUGHWRIGHT.
PRINTWHEELprintwheel n. In early printers, a disk bearing impressions of characters around its rim; these are struck against…
PRINTWHEEL n. another name for daisywheel, a kind of printer.
TELPHERWAYtelpherway n. The system of wires along which a telpher travels.
TELPHERWAY n. a route for the conveyance of vehicles or loads by telpher.
PLAYWRIGHTSplaywrights n. Plural of playwright.
PLAYWRIGHT n. a person who writes plays.
PLOWWRIGHTSplowwrights n. Plural of plowwright.
PLOWWRIGHT n. one who makes ploughs, also PLOUGHWRIGHT.
PRINTWHEELSprintwheels n. Plural of printwheel.
PRINTWHEEL n. another name for daisywheel, a kind of printer.
SULPHURWORTsulphurwort n. The plant hog fennel (Peucedanum officinale).
SULPHURWORT n. an umbelliferous plant akin to parsnip, with yellow flowers and juice.
TELPHERWAYStelpherways n. Plural of telpherway.
TELPHERWAY n. a route for the conveyance of vehicles or loads by telpher.
WHIPPLETREEwhippletree n. A wooden crossbar for a plough or carriage, pivoted in the middle, from which traces are fastened to a draught animal.
whipple-tree n. Alternative form of whippletree.
whipple␣tree n. Alternative form of whippletree.
PLOUGHWRIGHTploughwright n. (Chiefly Britain) Alternative spelling of plowwright.
PLOUGHWRIGHT n. one who makes ploughs, also PLOWWRIGHT.
SULPHURWORTSsulphurworts n. Plural of sulphurwort.
SULPHURWORT n. an umbelliferous plant akin to parsnip, with yellow flowers and juice.
WHIPPLETREESwhippletrees n. Plural of whippletree.
whipple-trees n. Plural of whipple-tree.
whipple␣trees n. Plural of whipple tree.
PLAYWRIGHTINGplaywrighting n. Writing plays: the craft of a playwright.
PLAYWRIGHTING n. the writing of plays.
PLOUGHWRIGHTSploughwrights n. Plural of ploughwright.
PLOUGHWRIGHT n. one who makes ploughs, also PLOWWRIGHT.
HALFPENNYWORTHhalfpennyworth n. (Britain) As much as could be bought for a halfpenny (pre- or post-decimalisation).
halfpennyworth n. (Britain, informal) A negligible amount.
halfpennyworth n. (Britain, informal) One’s opinion or thoughts; one’s two cents.
PRAISEWORTHILYpraiseworthily adv. In a praiseworthy manner.
PRAISEWORTHY adv. worthy of praise.
HALFPENNYWORTHShalfpennyworths n. Plural of halfpennyworth.
HALFPENNYWORTH n. as much as is sold for a halfpenny or is worth a halfpenny.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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  • English Wiktionary: 463 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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