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There are 14 words containing H, I, K, 2P and R

PAPRIKASHpaprikash n. A Hungarian dish resembling goulash (a paprika-based potato stew), but without potatoes and using meat…
PAPRIKASH n. a chicken dish of Hungarian origin, also PAPRIKAS.
PIKEPERCHpikeperch n. Alternative form of pike-perch.
pike-perch n. Any of the five species of fish in the genus Sander of the family Percidae (perches and darters).
PIKEPERCH n. a pike-like freshwater fish.
KEEPERSHIPkeepership n. The position of a keeper; guardianship, ownership.
KEEPERSHIP n. the office or position of a keeper.
SCHIPPERKEschipperke n. (Zoology) A small breed of dog developed in Belgium, sometimes used as a watchdog on boats.
SCHIPPERKE n. (Dutch) a small black Belgian canalboat dog.
APPARATCHIKapparatchik n. (Historical) A member of the Soviet apparat; a Communist bureaucrat or agent.
apparatchik n. A blindly loyal bureaucrat.
APPARATCHIK n. (Russian) a member of the (Soviet) bureaucracy; now extended to apply to any inflexible organisation man, particularly in a political party.
KEEPERSHIPSkeeperships n. Plural of keepership.
KEEPERSHIP n. the office or position of a keeper.
PAPRIKASHESpaprikashes n. Plural of paprikash.
PAPRIKASH n. a chicken dish of Hungarian origin, also PAPRIKAS.
PIKEPERCHESpikeperches n. Plural of pikeperch.
pike-perches n. Plural of pike-perch.
PIKEPERCH n. a pike-like freshwater fish.
SCHIPPERKESschipperkes n. Plural of schipperke.
SCHIPPERKE n. (Dutch) a small black Belgian canalboat dog.
SPEAKERSHIPspeakership n. (Politics) The role or status of speaker.
SPEAKERSHIP n. the office of speaker.
APPARATCHIKIapparatchiki n. Plural of apparatchik.
APPARATCHIK n. (Russian) a member of the (Soviet) bureaucracy; now extended to apply to any inflexible organisation man, particularly in a political party.
APPARATCHIKSapparatchiks n. Plural of apparatchik.
APPARATCHIK n. (Russian) a member of the (Soviet) bureaucracy; now extended to apply to any inflexible organisation man, particularly in a political party.
SPEAKERSHIPSspeakerships n. Plural of speakership.
SPEAKERSHIP n. the office of speaker.
WORKSHOPPINGworkshopping v. Present participle of workshop.
WORKSHOP v. to hold a workshop.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 213 words
  • Scrabble in French: 5 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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