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There are 17 words containing H, I, K, M, O and Y

HOLIDAYMAKERholidaymaker n. (Britain) someone who is on holiday.
holiday-maker n. (Britain) Someone who is on holiday.
HOLIDAYMAKER n. someone on holiday.
HOLIDAYMAKERSholidaymakers n. Plural of holidaymaker.
holiday-makers n. Plural of holiday-maker.
HOLIDAYMAKER n. someone on holiday.
HYPOKALEMIAhypokalemia n. (Biology, medicine) The condition of having an abnormally low concentration of potassium ions in the…
HYPOKALEMIA n. a deficiency of potassium in the blood.
HYPOKALEMIAShypokalemias n. Plural of hypokalemia.
HYPOKALEMIA n. a deficiency of potassium in the blood.
HYPOKALEMIChypokalemic adj. Having a low percentage of potassium in one’s blood.
HYPOKALEMIC adj. relating to hypokalemia, a deficiency of potassium in the blood.
KINEMATOGRAPHYkinematography n. Cinematography.
KINEMATOGRAPHY n. the art of the kinematograph.
KYMOGRAPHICkymographic adj. Of or pertaining to a kymograph.
KYMOGRAPHIC adj. relating to a kymograph.
KYMOGRAPHIESkymographies n. Plural of kymography.
KYMOGRAPHY n. using a kymograph, an instrument for recording fluid pressure.
LOCKSMITHERYlocksmithery n. The work of a locksmith.
LOCKSMITHERY n. the craft of the locksmith.
LYMPHOKINElymphokine n. (Biochemistry) Any of a group of cytokines produced by lymphocytes.
LYMPHOKINE n. any of various substances secreted by T cells.
LYMPHOKINESlymphokines n. Plural of lymphokine.
LYMPHOKINE n. any of various substances secreted by T cells.
MATRYOSHKImatryoshki n. Plural of matryoshka.
MATRYOSHKA n. (Russian) a hollow wooden doll, also MATRIOSHKA, MATROYSHKA.
MONKEYISHmonkeyish adj. Like a monkey.
MONKEYISH adj. like a monkey.
MONKEYSHINEmonkeyshine n. A puerile trick or prank.
monkey-shine n. Alternative form of monkeyshine.
MONKEYSHINE n. a monkeyish trick.
MONKEYSHINESmonkeyshines n. Plural of monkeyshine.
monkey-shines n. Plural of monkey-shine.
MONKEYSHINE n. a monkeyish trick.
MONKISHLYmonkishly adv. In a monkish way.
MONKISH adv. pertaining to monks.
POIKILOTHERMYpoikilothermy n. (Biology) The quality of having a body temperature that varies or fluctuates, depending on the temperature…
POIKILOTHERMY n. the state of being cold-blooded, also POIKILOTHERMISM.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 309 words
  • Scrabble in French: 6 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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