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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 16 nine-letter words containing H, O, P, R and 2T

AUTOTROPHautotroph n. (Ecology) Any organism that can synthesize its food from inorganic substances, using heat or light as…
AUTOTROPH n. an organism that is able to manufacture its own food from inorganic substances.
HAPHTAROThaphtarot n. Plural of haphtarah.
HAPHTARA n. (Hebrew) a Biblical selection, also HAFTARA, HAFTARAH, HAFTORAH, HAPHTARAH.
MOUTHPARTmouthpart n. (Usually in the plural) An appendage-like structure on the outside of an insect’s or other arthropod’s…
mouth-part n. Alternative spelling of mouthpart.
MOUTHPART n. part of a mouth.
OCTOTHORPoctothorp n. Alternative spelling of octothorpe.
OCTOTHORP n. the symbol # on a telephone or keyboard (hash mark, pound sign, number sign).
ORTHOPTERorthopter n. Any insect of the order Orthoptera.
orthopter n. Synonym of ornithopter.
ORTHOPTER n. a type of aircraft propelled with flapping wings.
ORTHOPTICorthoptic adj. Relating to orthoptics, the study and treatment of muscular irregularities of the eye.
orthoptic n. (Geometry) The isoptic whose given angle is a right angle.
ORTHOPTIC adj. pertaining to correct vision.
PHYTOTRONphytotron n. (Biology) A laboratory in the form of a greenhouse or similar building in which plants can be grown…
PHYTOTRON n. an apparatus that produces climates artificially for the study of plant growth.
POORTITHSPOORTITH n. (Scots) poverty, also PUIRTITH.
PORCHETTAporchetta n. A savory and moist boneless pork roast, part of Italian cuisine.
PORCHETTA n. (Italian) seasoned boneless roast pork cut from a whole roast pig.
POSTTRUTHposttruth n. Alternative form of post-truth.
posttruth adj. Alternative form of post-truth.
post-truth adj. (Chiefly politics, media) Beyond or superseding the importance of truth; pertaining to an era or situation…
POTHUNTERpothunter n. A person who hunts animals for food (for the pot) rather than as sport.
pothunter n. (Sports, by extension) A person who competes solely to win prizes.
pothunter n. (Archaeology) A person who seeks artifacts for their personal collection or to sell without regard to…
PROTHETICprothetic adj. (Linguistics) of, relating to, or involving prothesis.
prothetic adj. (Phonology, of an instance of a phoneme) attached to the beginning of a word.
PROTHETIC adj. of or pertaining to prothesis, the development of an extra initial sound at the beginning of a word.
SHORTSTOPshortstop n. (Baseball) The infield defensive player that stands between the second baseman and the third baseman.
shortstop n. (Figuratively) A nimble defender.
shortstop n. (Gambling) A player who is short of money.
TEPHROITEtephroite n. (Mineralogy) An orthorhombic-dipyramidal mineral containing manganese, oxygen, and silicon.
TEPHROITE n. an orthorhombic manganese silicate of the olivine group which forms ashy grey or reddish crystalline masses.
TIGHTROPEtightrope n. A tightly stretched rope or cable on which acrobats perform high above the ground.
tightrope n. (Figuratively) a difficult or desperate situation.
tightrope v. To walk on a tightrope.
TUTORSHIPtutorship n. The duty of a tutor; tutelage.
TUTORSHIP n. the position of tutor.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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