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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 18 nine-letter words containing H, 2O, R, T and W

BLOWTORCHblowtorch n. A tool which projects a controlled stream of a highly flammable gas over a spark in order to produce…
blowtorch n. (US, military, slang) A jet fighter.
blowtorch v. To apply a blowtorch to something.
DOWNTHROWdownthrow n. (Geology) A depression of the strata on one side of a fault.
downthrow n. Ruin; defeat.
DOWNTHROW n. a state of being thrown down.
HEARTWOODheartwood n. The wood nearer the heart of a stem or branch, different in color from the sapwood.
HEARTWOOD n. the inner wood of a tree, harder than the sapwood.
HONEWORTShoneworts n. Plural of honewort.
HONEWORT n. a perennial herb.
HORNWORTShornworts n. Plural of hornwort.
HORNWORT n. an aquatic herb.
JOBSWORTHjobsworth n. (Chiefly Britain, derogatory, informal) A minor official or worker who refuses to be flexible in the…
JOBSWORTH n. a minor official, esp. one who adheres rigidly to petty rules.
NONGROWTHnongrowth adj. (Chiefly economics) Not of or pertaining to growth.
nongrowth n. Absence of growth.
NONGROWTH n. the failure to grow.
OUTGROWTHoutgrowth n. Anything that grows out of something else.
outgrowth n. Excessive growth.
OUTGROWTH n. that which grows out from anything.
OUTTHROWNoutthrown v. Past participle of outthrow.
OUTTHROW v. to throw farther than.
OUTTHROWSoutthrows v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of outthrow.
OUTTHROW v. to throw farther than.
OUTWORTHSoutworths v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of outworth.
OUTWORTH v. (Shakespeare) to exceed in worth.
OVERTHROWoverthrow v. (Transitive) To bring about the downfall of (A government, etc.), especially by force.
overthrow v. (Transitive, now rare) To throw down to the ground, to overturn.
overthrow n. A removal, especially of a ruler or government, by force or threat of force.
SHORTGOWNshortgown n. A bedgown for a lady.
SHORTGOWN n. (Scots) a woman's short jacket.
THROWDOWNthrowdown n. (Slang, wrestling) A fall, indicating defeat.
throwdown n. (Slang, rare) A weapon planted at a crime scene in order to mislead investigation, especially in situations…
throwdown n. (Slang, basketball) A slam dunk.
THROWOVERthrow␣over v. (Transitive) To end a romantic/sexual relationship with.
throw␣over v. (Transitive) To discard or give up (A plan or project, etc.).
THROWOVER n. a piece of material that is placed over an object to provide decoration, protection, or warmth.
TOOTHWORTtoothwort n. Any of several species of flowering plants, of the genus Lathraea.
toothwort n. Any of several species of plants in the former genus Dentaria (now considered part of the genus Cardamine).
TOOTHWORT n. a plant whose roots are fancied to resemble teeth, as certain plants of the genus Lathraea, and various species of Dentaria.
TORCHWOODtorchwood n. (Uncountable) Wood exhibiting fungal bioluminescence or foxfire.
torchwood n. (Uncountable) Wood used to make torches.
torchwood n. (Countable) A tree yielding wood suitable for making torches, especially a tree of the genus Amyris.
WIREPHOTOwirephoto n. A photograph transmitted by telephotography.
WIREPHOTO n. a photograph sent over a wire circuit by electrical means.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 107 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 4 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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