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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 12 nine-letter words containing H, M, O, 2R and T

EARTHWORMearthworm n. A worm that lives in the ground.
earthworm n. A worm of the family Lumbricidae, or, more generally, of the suborder Lumbricina.
earthworm n. (Figurative) A contemptible person; a groveller.
HEARTWORMheartworm n. (Veterinary medicine) A parasitic organism that afflicts dogs, the roundworm Dirofilaria immitis.
heartworm n. (Veterinary medicine) (uncountable) The condition caused by this organism.
HEARTWORM n. a filarial worm that is a parasite esp. in the hearts of dogs.
HOROMETRYhorometry n. The art or practice of measuring time by hours and subordinate divisions.
HOROMETRY n. the science of time measurement.
MARSHWORTmarshwort n. A small, white-flowered plant, of the genus Apium, that grows in marshy habitats.
MARSHWORT n. a small umbelliferous marsh plant related to celery.
MOTHERIERMOTHERY adj. consisting of, containing, or resembling, mother (in vinegar).
RHEOMETERrheometer n. A device used to measure the flow properties of fluids with variable viscosity.
rheometer n. (Obsolete) A device used to measure the flow of electric current: an ammeter.
rheometer n. (Now rare) A flowmeter, especially for water or blood.
RHEOMETRYrheometry n. (Physics) The measurement of electrical current.
rheometry n. (Physics) The measurement of rheological properties of materials, especially by the use of a rheometer.
rheometry n. (Obsolete, mathematics) The calculus.
SMOTHERERsmotherer n. Agent noun of smother; one who smothers.
SMOTHERER n. one who smothers.
THEREFROMtherefrom adv. (Formal) From that; from him, her, or it.
THEREFROM adv. from that.
THERMIDORThermidor prop.n. (Historical) The eleventh month of the French Republican Calendar, from July 19 or 20 to August 17 or 18.
Thermidor n. A counterrevolution; a coup d’état resembling the Thermidorian Reaction.
THERMIDOR n. a method of preparing lobsters, the flesh being mixed with a cream sauce seasoned with mustard, and served in the shell.
TRICHROMEtrichrome adj. Trichromatic (involving three colours).
trichrome adj. (Cytology, of a stain) Staining three different tissues three different colours.
trichrome n. (Cytology) A combined stain that stains three different tissues three different colours.
TRIMORPHStrimorphs n. Plural of trimorph.
TRIMORPH n. a substance existing in three forms.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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