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There are 20 nine-letter words containing H, M, N, R, S and T

AMARANTHSamaranths n. Plural of amaranth.
AMARANTH n. a fabled never-fading flower, also AMARANT.
CORNMOTHSCORNMOTH n. a moth of the clothes-moth genus.
HAMSTRINGhamstring n. (Anatomy) One of the great tendons situated in each side of the ham, or space back of the knee, and…
hamstring n. (Informal) The biceps femoris, semimembranosus, and semitendinosus muscles.
hamstring v. (Transitive) To lame or disable by cutting the tendons of the ham or knee; to hough.
HAMSTRUNGhamstrung adj. (Figurative) Restricted as if by being crippled with a hamstring.
hamstrung v. Simple past tense and past participle of hamstring.
HAMSTRING v. to disable by severing the hamstrings.
HARMONISTharmonist n. One who shows the agreement of corresponding passages of different authors, as of the four Biblical evangelists.
harmonist n. (Music) One who understands the principles of harmony or is skillful in applying them in composition; a composer.
Harmonist n. (Historical) A member of the Harmony Society, a Christian theosophy and pietist society founded in Germany in 1785.
HORSEMINThorsemint n. (US) A coarse American plant of the mint family (Monarda punctata).
horsemint n. (UK) Wild mint (Mentha sylvestris, now Mentha longifolia).
horsemint n. (Southwestern US, Northwestern US) An aromatic plant of the mint family, Agastache urticifolia.
INTERMESHintermesh v. (Intransitive) To mesh between one another.
INTERMESH v. to mesh together, to interlock.
IRONSMITHironsmith n. A blacksmith (who makes articles from iron).
ironsmith n. An East Indian barbet (Psilopogon faber) whose note resembles the sounds made by a smith.
IRONSMITH n. a worker in iron.
MARATHONSmarathons n. Plural of marathon.
MARATHON n. a long-distance race.
MERCHANTSmerchants n. Plural of merchant.
MERCHANT v. to buy and sell goods for profit.
MISHANTERMISHANTER n. (Scots) an unlucky chance, a misfortune, also MISAUNTER, MISCHANTER.
MISTHROWNmisthrown v. Past participle of misthrow.
MISTHROW v. to throw errantly.
NORTHMOSTnorthmost adj. Furthest to the north; most northern.
THEREMINStheremins n. Plural of theremin.
THEREMIN n. an electronic musical instrument.
THERMIONSthermions n. Plural of thermion.
THERMION n. an ion emitted by a heated body.
THIRDSMANthirdsman n. (Obsolete) A third party who acts as mediator.
THIRDSMAN n. a mediator.
THIRDSMENthirdsmen n. Plural of thirdsman.
THIRDSMAN n. a mediator.
THROMBINSthrombins n. Plural of thrombin.
THROMBIN n. an enzyme that causes the blood to clot.
TRANSHUMEtranshume v. (Intransitive) To migrate.
TRANSHUME v. to move (cattle) to summer pastures or winter quarters.
TRUCHMANSTRUCHMAN n. an interpreter.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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