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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 20 nine-letter words containing H, L, N, 2O and P

ALLOPHONEallophone n. (Phonology) Any of two or more alternative pronunciations for a phoneme.
allophone n. (Canada) A person whose mother tongue is neither English, French, nor (sometimes) an indigenous language of Canada.
allophone n. A person whose mother tongue is one other than that spoken by the majority.
COLOPHONScolophons n. Plural of colophon.
COLOPHON n. an inscription placed at the end of book giving details of publication, or a publisher's logo.
COLOPHONYcolophony n. Rosin; the residue left after the distillation of oil of turpentine from liquid resin, used in pharmaceutical…
COLOPHONY n. rosin.
HYPNOLOGYhypnology n. A treatise on sleep; the doctrine or science of sleep.
HYPNOLOGY n. the study of sleep or hypnosis.
LITHOPONElithopone n. A white pigment, a mixture of barium sulfate and zinc sulfide, used in paints and enamels.
LITHOPONE n. a white pigment used in paints, consisting of a mixture of zinc sulphide and barium sulphate.
LOPHODONTlophodont adj. (Zoology) Having molar teeth that have ridged grinding surfaces.
LOPHODONT adj. of a molar tooth, having (esp. transverse) ridges between the cusps; (of a dentition) characterized by such molar teeth.
MONOPHYLYmonophyly n. (Systematics) In cladistics, the condition of being monophyletic, of including all descendants from…
MONOPHYLY n. the state of being monophyletic.
NEPHOLOGYnephology n. The branch of meteorology that studies clouds.
NEPHOLOGY n. the study of clouds.
OENOPHILEoenophile n. A person who has a fondness or appreciation for wine.
œnophile n. Obsolete form of oenophile.
OENOPHILE n. a wine connoisseur, also ENOPHILE, OENOPHIL.
OENOPHILSoenophils n. Plural of oenophil.
OENOPHIL n. a wine connoisseur, also ENOPHILE, OENOPHILE.
OENOPHILYoenophily n. Synonym of oenophilia.
OENOPHILY n. the love of wine.
PHELONIONphelonion n. (Christianity) A liturgical vestment worn by a priest of the Eastern Christian tradition, equivalent…
PHELONION n. a liturgical vestment, also PHAELONION.
PHENOLOGYphenology n. (Biology) The study of the effect of climate on periodic biological phenomena.
PHENOLOGY n. the study of organisms as affected by climate, also PHAENOLOGY.
PHONOLITEphonolite n. (Mineralogy) a light-coloured rock of volcanic origin composed mostly of alkali feldspars.
PHONOLITE n. a fine-grained intermediate igneous rock that rings when struck by a hammer, aka clinkstone.
PHONOLOGYphonology n. (Linguistics, uncountable) The study of the way sounds function in languages, including phonemes, syllable…
phonology n. (Linguistics, countable) The way sounds function within a given language; a phonological system.
PHONOLOGY n. the branch of linguistics that deals with systems of sounds.
POLYPHONEpolyphone n. A letter, or combination of letters, that can be pronounced in two or more different ways.
POLYPHONE n. a character or vocal sign representing more than one sound, as read, which is pronounced red, also POLYPHON.
POLYPHONSpolyphons n. Plural of polyphon.
POLYPHON n. a character or vocal sign representing more than one sound, as read, which is pronounced red, also POLYPHONE.
POLYPHONYpolyphony n. (Music) Musical texture consisting of several independent melodic voices, as opposed to music with just…
polyphony n. The quality of a text of being capable of being read in more than one way.
POLYPHONY n. composition in separate, but simultaneous and harmonizing, parts.
POTHOLINGpotholing n. A form of caving involving the exploration of potholes.
POTHOLING n. the sport of exploring potholes.
XYLOPHONExylophone n. (Music) Any musical instrument (percussion idiophone) made of wooden slats graduated so as to make the…
xylophone v. To play a xylophone or to play something else as though it was a xylophone.
xylophone v. To move above a ridged surface so as to hit every ridge, in a manner similar to playing quickly and…

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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