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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 8 nine-letter words containing H, L, M, O, P and R

ALLOMORPHallomorph n. (Chemistry) Any of the different crystalline forms of a substance.
allomorph n. (Linguistics) Any of the different phonological representations of a morpheme.
ALLOMORPH n. any one of two or more distinct crystalline forms of the same substance.
HOMOPOLARhomopolar adj. (Physics) Having symmetrically equal distribution of polarity.
HOMOPOLAR adj. having an equal distribution of charge, as in a covalent bond.
LAGOMORPHlagomorph n. A member of the mammalian taxonomic order, Lagomorpha, which includes hares, rabbits, and pikas.
LAGOMORPH n. a gnawing mammal (rabbits, hares, pikas).
OMBROPHILombrophil n. Alternative form of ombrophile.
OMBROPHIL n. a plant flourishing in extremely rainy conditions, also OMBROPHILE.
POLEMARCHpolemarch n. (Historical, Ancient Greece, originally) The military commander in chief in Athens, one of the nine archonts.
polemarch n. (Historical, Ancient Greece) A civil magistrate in Athens who had jurisdiction in respect of strangers and sojourners.
polemarch n. (Historical, Ancient Greece) In other Greek (city) states, a high military and civil officer.
POLYMORPHpolymorph n. (Biology) Any organism that shows polymorphism.
polymorph n. (Chemistry, geology) Any substance or mineral that forms different types of crystal.
polymorph n. (Transitive, fiction) The transformation of an item or creature into something different by magic.
RHOPALISMrhopalism n. (Poetry, rhetoric) rhopalic structure.
RHOPALISM n. a sentence or poem in which each word is one syllable longer than its predecessor.
ROMPISHLYrompishly adv. In a rompish manner.
ROMPISH adv. inclined to romp.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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