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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 11 nine-letter words containing H, L, M, N, O and T

BIMONTHLYbimonthly adj. Occurring once every two months; bimestrial.
bimonthly adj. Twice every month; semimonthly.
bimonthly adv. Once every two months; bimestrially.
MALATHIONmalathion n. An organophosphorus insecticide, Diethyl [(dimethoxyphosphinothioyl)-thio]butanedioate.
MALATHION n. (tradename) an insecticide.
METHANOLSmethanols n. Plural of methanol.
METHANOL n. methyl alcohol, wood spirit.
METHANOYLmethanoyl n. (Organic chemistry) formyl.
METHANOYL n. any of a class of highly reactive organic chemical compounds.
MILLIONTHmillionth adj. The ordinal form of the number one million.
millionth n. The person or thing in the millionth position.
millionth n. One of a million equal parts of a whole. Term ppm (parts per million) is also used.
MOLEHUNTSmolehunts n. Plural of molehunt.
MOLEHUNT n. a hunt for moles.
MONOLITHSmonoliths n. Plural of monolith.
MONOLITH n. a large single stone in form of monument, obelisk or column.
MONTHLIESmonthlies n. Plural of monthly.
MONTHLY n. a publication issued once a month.
MONTHLINGmonthling n. A child, or young animal, that is one month old.
monthling n. (Archaic) Something that lasts for a month.
monthling adv. (Archaic) Once a month: in every month.
MONTHLONGmonthlong adj. Which lasts a month, or approximately so.
MONTHLONG adj. lasting for a month.
MOONLIGHTmoonlight n. (Sometimes attributive) The light reflected from the Moon.
moonlight v. To work on the side (at a secondary job), often in the evening or during the night.
moonlight v. (By extension) To engage in an activity other than what one is known for.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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