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There are 20 nine-letter words containing H, I, M, O, P and T

HEMITROPEhemitrope adj. Half turned round; half inverted; (crystallography) having a twinned structure.
hemitrope n. (Crystallography) A twin crystal having a hemitropal structure.
HEMITROPYhemitropy n. (Crystallography) Twin composition in crystals.
HEMITROPY n. the state of being a twin.
HOMOTYPIChomotypic adj. (Botany) Said of a taxon name which shares the exact same type as a different name and thus must necessarily…
HOMOTYPIC adj. conforming to normal type.
HOSPITIUMhospitium n. (Obsolete) An inn; a lodging; a hospice.
hospitium n. (Obsolete, law) An Inn of Court.
HOSPITIUM n. (Latin) a nursing home for the terminally ill.
HYPNOTISMhypnotism n. The art of inducing hypnosis.
HYPNOTISM n. the science or practice of hypnosis.
MONOPITCHmonopitch n. The use of a single pitch (sound frequency); lack of pitch variation.
monopitch n. (Architecture) Sloping in one direction only.
MONOPITCH n. a monotone.
MORPHETICmorphetic adj. Morphean; relating to sleep.
MORPHETIC adj. relating to Morpheus, the god of sleep, also MORPHEAN.
MORPHOTICmorphotic adj. (Biology) Connected with, or becoming an integral part of, a living unit or of the morphological framework.
MORPHOTIC adj. pertaining to formation or development.
MOTORSHIPmotor␣ship n. (Nautical) A seagoing vessel powered by an internal combustion engine, usually a diesel. Compare with steamship.
MOTORSHIP n. a ship with a motor.
MYOPATHICmyopathic adj. Pertaining to myopathy.
MYOPATHIC adj. of or pertaining to myopathy, a disorder of muscle tissue.
OMPHACITEomphacite n. (Mineralogy) Any of a range of green, monoclinic pyroxene minerals found in eclogites and similar rocks;…
OMPHACITE n. a grass-green pyroxene.
OPSIMATHSopsimaths n. Plural of opsimath.
OPSIMATH n. one who learns late in life.
OPSIMATHYopsimathy n. Learning or education that occurs late in life.
OPSIMATHY n. education late in life.
PHILAMOTSPHILAMOT n. (French) a dull brown colour, also FILEMOT, PHILOMOT.
PHILOMATHphilomath n. (Archaic) A lover of learning; a scholar.
philomath n. An astrologer or predictor.
PHILOMATH n. a lover of learning; a scholar.
PHILOMOTSPHILOMOT n. (French) a dull brown colour, also FILEMOT, PHILAMOT.
PHONETISMphonetism n. (Dated) The science dealing with vocal sounds; phonetics.
PHONETISM n. the science which treats of vocal sounds.
TRIMORPHStrimorphs n. Plural of trimorph.
TRIMORPH n. a substance existing in three forms.
TRIMPHONEtrimphone n. (UK) A luxury telephone of the 1960s with a then-innovative electronic ringer and illuminated dial.
TRIMPHONE n. (tradename) a phone designed in the 1960s.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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