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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 12 nine-letter words containing H, I, M, 2N and O

ANTHEMIONanthemion n. An ornamental design consisting of palmettes or lotus flowers.
ANTHEMION n. (Greek) a flat cluster of leaves or flowers as an ornament in classical art.
HAMBONINGhamboning v. Present participle of hambone.
HAMBONE v. to overact, also HAM.
HOMINIANSHOMINIAN n. a manlike creature, also HOMINID.
ICHNEUMONichneumon n. The Egyptian mongoose, Herpestes ichneumon, found in Africa and southern Europe.
ichneumon n. The ichneumon wasp.
ICHNEUMON n. (Greek) the Egyptian mongoose, found over much of Africa and parts of southern Europe.
INHARMONYinharmony n. Lack of harmony.
INHARMONY n. want of harmony.
MONISHINGmonishing v. Present participle of monish.
MONISH v. to admonish; to warn.
MONORHINEmonorhine adj. Monorhinal.
MONORHINE adj. having one nostril, also MONORHINAL.
MONORHINE n. an animal that has one nasal orifice.
MONTHLINGmonthling n. A child, or young animal, that is one month old.
monthling n. (Archaic) Something that lasts for a month.
monthling adv. (Archaic) Once a month: in every month.
MOONSHINEmoonshine n. (Literally) The light of the moon.
moonshine n. (Informal) High-proof alcohol (especially whiskey) that is often, but not always, produced illegally.
moonshine n. (Colloquial) Nonsense.
MOONSHINYmoonshiny adj. (Obsolete) Moonlit; lit by moonlight.
moonshiny adj. (Dated, colloquial) Crazy; nonsensical; ludicrous.
MOONSHINY adj. full of moonlight.
NIHONIUMSNIHONIUM n. a highly radioactive element, of which only a few atoms have ever been produced.
NONTHEISMnontheism n. Any of a range of concepts regarding spirituality and religion which do not include the idea of a deity…
NONTHEISM n. absence of belief in a god or gods.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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