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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 16 nine-letter words containing H, I, 2M, O and S

AMORPHISMamorphism n. An amorphous quality.
AMORPHISM n. absence of regular form; amorphous quality.
CHROMIUMSchromiums n. Plural of chromium.
CHROMIUM n. a metallic element.
COMMISHEScommishes n. Plural of commish.
COMMISH n. (short for) commissioner.
MACHISMOSmachismos n. Plural of machismo.
MACHISMO n. (Spanish) the quality of being macho, also MACHOISM.
MACHOISMSmachoisms n. Plural of machoism.
MACHOISM n. the quality of being macho, also MACHISMO.
MAMMONISHmammonish adj. Actuated or prompted by a devotion to money getting or the service of Mammon.
MAMMONISH adj. actuated or prompted by a devotion to money getting or the service of Mammon.
MASOCHISMmasochism n. The enjoyment of receiving pain or humiliation.
MASOCHISM n. the derivation of sexual gratification from the suffering of pain.
METHODISMmethodism n. The practice of adhering (often excessively) to methods.
Methodism n. The Methodist Christian movement founded by John Wesley in 18th-century England.
Methodism n. Any of several related movements.
MICROMESHmicromesh n. A mesh having microscopic spacings.
MICROMESH n. a very fine mesh.
MICROMHOSmicromhos n. Plural of micromho.
MICROMHO n. a unit of electrical conductance.
MIDMONTHSmidmonths n. Plural of midmonth.
MIDMONTH n. halfway through the month.
MILLIMHOSmillimhos n. Plural of millimho.
MILLIMHO n. a unit of electrical conductance, one thousandth of a mho.
MILLIOHMSmilliohms n. Plural of milliohm.
milli-ohms n. Plural of milli-ohm.
MILLIOHM n. a unit of electrical resistance.
MONACHISMmonachism n. Monasticism.
MONACHISM n. the monastic system or mode of life, also MONASTICISM.
PHORMIUMSphormiums n. Plural of phormium.
PHORMIUM n. a tall New Zealand evergreen plant of the agave family, with swordlike leaves.
SHAMMOSIMshammosim n. Plural of shammes.
SHAMMOS n. (Hebrew) the sexton in a synagogue; the candle used to light the other 8 candles of a Chanukah menorah, also SHAMMAS, SHAMMASH, SHAMMES, SHAMOS.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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