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There are 16 nine-letter words containing H, I, L, N, P and U

INGULPHEDingulphed v. Simple past tense and past participle of ingulph.
INGULPH v. to swallow up completely, also ENGULF, ENGULPH, INGULF.
LUNCHPAILlunchpail n. Alternative spelling of lunch pail.
lunch␣pail n. (US) A lunchbox (food container) shaped more or less like a bucket with a handle.
LUNCHPAIL n. a container for lunch.
PLEUCHINGPLEUCH v. (Scots) to plough, also PLEUGH.
PLEUGHINGPLEUGH v. (Scots) to plough, also PLEUCH.
PLOUGHINGploughing v. Present participle of plough.
ploughing n. (Agriculture) The breaking of the ground into furrows (with a plough) for planting.
PLOUGHING n. the act of ploughing.
PUNCHLINEpunchline n. Alternative spelling of punch line.
punch␣line n. The final part of a joke; the word, sentence, or exchange of sentences that is intended to be funny…
punch␣line n. (By extension) A final, concluding statement that an explanation has been leading up to; a conclusion.
PUSHINGLYpushingly adv. So as to push.
PUSHING adv. PUSH, to thrust or press against.
SHLUMPINGshlumping v. Present participle of shlump.
SHLUMP v. (Yiddish) to dress sloppily, also SCHLUMP.
SIPHUNCLEsiphuncle n. (Zoology) A strand of tissue passing longitudinally through the shell of a cephalopod, used primarily…
siphuncle n. A nectary.
SIPHUNCLE n. the tube which runs through the partitions of chambered cephalopod shells.
SULPHINYLsulphinyl n. Alternative spelling of sulfinyl.
SULPHINYL n. the bivalent chemical group SO, also SULFINYL.
SULPHONICsulphonic adj. Alternative spelling of sulfonic.
SULPHONIC adj. relating to a sulphone, any of a class of substances consisting of two organic radicals combined with SO2, also SULFONIC.
UNCLESHIPuncleship n. The state of being an uncle; uncledom.
UNCLESHIP n. the office or position of an uncle.
UNHAPPILYunhappily adv. Unfortunately; regrettably.
unhappily adv. Through evil fate or chance; wretchedly.
unhappily adv. Without happiness; sadly.
UPHOLDINGupholding v. Present participle of uphold.
upholding n. The act by which something is upheld.
UPHOLDING n. the act of upholding.
UPHURLINGuphurling v. Present participle of uphurl.
UPHURL v. to hurl up.
UPLANDISHuplandish adj. (Obsolete) Of or pertaining to uplands; pertaining to or situated in country districts.
uplandish adj. (Obsolete) Rustic, rude, boorish; countrified, unsophisticated, or uncivilized.
uplandish adj. Wild or savage; mountainous, or dwelling in the mountains.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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