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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 19 nine-letter words containing H, I, L, M, O and Y

AMPHIBOLYamphiboly n. (Grammar) An ambiguous grammatical construction.
AMPHIBOLY n. a grammatically ambiguous phrase or sentence, also AMPHIBOLOGY.
BIMONTHLYbimonthly adj. Occurring once every two months; bimestrial.
bimonthly adj. Twice every month; semimonthly.
bimonthly adv. Once every two months; bimestrially.
HEMOLYSINhemolysin n. (Medicine) Any substance (often an exotoxin) that damages the membranes of red blood cells and thus…
HEMOLYSIN n. a substance that causes the dissolution of red blood cells, also HAEMOLYSIN.
HEMOLYSIShemolysis n. (Medicine) The destruction of red blood cells, and subsequent release of hemoglobin, at the normal end…
HEMOLYSIS n. destruction of red blood corpuscles.
HEMOLYTIChemolytic adj. Producing hemolysis; destroying red blood cells.
HEMOLYTIC adj. destroying red blood corpuscles, also HAEMOLYTIC.
HOMOLYSIShomolysis n. (Chemistry) The decomposition of a substance without reacting with other substances.
homolysis n. The lysis of blood cells by homolysin.
HOMOLYSIS n. decomposition into two uncharged atoms or radicals.
HOMOLYTIChomolytic adj. Of, pertaining to, or produced by homolysis.
HOMOLYTIC adj. decomposing into two uncharged atoms or radicals.
HYLOZOISMhylozoism n. A philosophical doctrine espousing that all or some material things possess life, or that all life is…
HYLOZOISM n. the doctrine that all matter is endowed with life.
LITHOTOMYlithotomy n. A surgical method for removal of calculi, such as kidney stones and gallstones.
LITHOTOMY n. the operation, art, or practice of cutting for stone in the bladder.
MOBBISHLYMOBBISH adv. in the way of a mob.
MONKISHLYmonkishly adv. In a monkish way.
MONKISH adv. pertaining to monks.
MOONISHLYmoonishly adv. In a moonish manner.
MOONISH adv. like the moon; variable.
MYCOPHILEmycophile n. A person who likes hunting for, cooking or eating mushrooms and other edible fungi.
MYCOPHILE n. one who loves fungi.
MYIOPHILYMYIOPHILY n. pollination of plants by flies, also MYOPHILY.
MYLOHYOIDmylohyoid adj. (Anatomy) Relating to or in the region of the lower jaw and the hyoid apparatus, or the mylohyoid muscle.
mylohyoid n. (Anatomy) Ellipsis of mylohyoid muscle..
MYLOHYOID n. a nerve in the region of the lower jaw and the hyoid apparatus.
OHMICALLYohmically adv. By means of ohmic heating, the process by which the passage of an electric current through a conductor releases heat.
OHMIC adv. of or pertaining to electrical resistance.
PHYLLOMICphyllomic adj. Relating to a phyllome.
PHYLLOMIC adj. of or like a phyllome, a leaf or homologue of a leaf.
ROMPISHLYrompishly adv. In a rompish manner.
ROMPISH adv. inclined to romp.
SYPHILOMAsyphiloma n. A syphilitic tumor.
SYPHILOMA n. a syphilitic tumour.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 40 words
  • Scrabble in French: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 3 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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