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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 14 nine-letter words containing H, 2I, 2R and T

ARTHRITICarthritic adj. (Pathology) Of, or affected by arthritis.
arthritic n. A person with arthritis.
ARTHRITIC adj. suffering from arthritis.
ARTHRITISarthritis n. Inflammation of a joint or joints causing pain and/or disability, swelling and stiffness, and due to…
ARTHRITIS n. inflammation of the joints.
CIRRHOTICcirrhotic adj. Of, pertaining to, or suffering from cirrhosis.
cirrhotic n. A person who has cirrhosis.
CIRRHOTIC adj. pertaining to, caused by, or affected with, cirrhosis.
DITHERIERDITHERY adj. nervously excited.
HIRRIENTSHIRRIENT n. a roughly trilled sound.
INHERITORinheritor n. Someone who inherits something; an heir.
inheritor n. (Computing, programming) A class, etc. that derives from another code element through inheritance.
INHERITOR n. one who inherits.
PERITRICHperitrich n. (Microbiology) A ciliate protozoan of the subclass Peritrichia.
PERITRICH n. a bacterium bearing a ring of cilia around the body.
THIRSTIERthirstier adj. Comparative form of thirsty: more thirsty.
THIRSTY adj. feeling a need to drink, also THRISTY.
THRIFTIERthriftier adj. Comparative form of thrifty: more thrifty.
THRIFTY adj. frugal.
THRILLIERthrillier adj. Comparative form of thrilly: more thrilly.
THRILLY adj. full of thrills.
TRICHROICtrichroic adj. Of, relating to, or exhibiting trichroism.
TRICHROIC adj. exhibiting trichroism; pleochroic.
TRIHYBRIDtrihybrid n. (Biology) A hybrid whose parents differ by three pairs of contrasting Mendelian characters.
TRIHYBRID n. a hybrid differing from its parents in three independently heritable characteristics.
TRIHYDRICtrihydric adj. (Organic chemistry) Having three hydroxy groups.
TRIHYDRIC adj. having three hydroxyl groups.
WHIRRIESTWHIRRY adj. characteristic of a whir.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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