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There are 19 nine-letter words containing H, 2I, O and 2S

CHINOISESchinoises n. Plural of chinois.
CHINOIS n. (French) a cone-shaped sieve.
CIRRHOSIScirrhosis n. (Pathology) A chronic disease of the liver caused by damage from toxins (including alcohol), metabolic…
cirrhosis n. (By extension) Interstitial inflammation of kidneys, lungs, and other organs.
CIRRHOSIS n. a disease of the liver caused by alcoholism.
HALITOSIShalitosis n. (Pathology) The condition of having stale or foul-smelling breath.
HALITOSIS n. bad breath.
HELIOPSISHeliopsis prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Asteraceae – certain flowering plants.
HELIOPSIS n. a genus of herbaceous flowering plants in the daisy family.
HISTORIEShistories n. Plural of history.
histories v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of history.
HISTORY v. to relate in a history or narrative.
HISTORISMhistorism n. (Historiography) An influential 19th-century school of thought in historiography that rejected universalist…
HISTORISM n. the belief that all phenomena are historically determined, also HISTORICISM.
HISTRIONShistrions n. Plural of histrion.
HISTRION n. (archaic) an actor, also HISTRIO.
HOISTINGShoistings n. Plural of hoisting.
HOISTING n. (Scott) a hosting.
HOMILISTShomilists n. Plural of homilist.
HOMILIST n. one who delivers a sermon.
HOMINISESHOMINISE v. to alter the environment to conform with evolving man, also HOMINIZE.
HOSIERIEShosieries n. Plural of hosiery.
HOSIERY n. stockings or socks.
HYPINOSIShypinosis n. (Medicine) A diminution in the normal amount of fibrin present in the blood.
HYPINOSIS n. a diminution in the normal amount of fibrin present in the blood.
INHESIONSinhesions n. Plural of inhesion.
INHESION n. the state of being inherent, also INHERENCE, INHERENCY.
ISOCHEIMSisocheims n. Plural of isocheim.
ISOCHEIM n. a line connecting points of same average winter temperature, also ISOCHEIMENAL, ISOCHIME.
ISOCHIMESISOCHIME n. a line connecting points of same average winter temperature, also ISOCHEIM, ISOCHEIMENAL.
PISOLITHSpisoliths n. Plural of pisolith.
PISOLITH n. a limestone with pea sized formations in circles, also PISOLITE.
SCHIZOIDSschizoids n. Plural of schizoid.
SCHIZOID n. one suffering from schizophrenia.
SOPHISTICsophistic adj. Pertaining to the ancient sophists.
sophistic adj. Sophistical.
sophistic n. (Historical, philosophy) The sophists of antiquity, in general or of a specific period; their beliefs and method.
TRICHOSIStrichosis n. (Medicine) Any disease or abnormality of the hair.
trichosis n. (Specifically) An overgrowth of hair; hairiness.
TRICHOSIS n. arrangement, distribution or disorder of hair.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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