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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 15 nine-letter words containing H, 2I, 2N and T

ETHIONINEethionine n. (Biochemistry) A toxic and carcinogenic non-proteinogenic amino acid structurally related to methionine…
ETHIONINE n. an amino acid.
HINTINGLYhintingly adv. In a hinting manner.
HINTING adv. suggestive.
KNIGHTINGknighting v. Present participle of knight.
knighting n. The act of making somebody a knight.
KNIGHT v. to confer the title of knight upon.
LIGHTNINGlightning n. A flash of light produced by short-duration, high-voltage discharge of electricity within a cloud, between…
lightning n. A discharge of this kind.
lightning n. (Figuratively) Anything that moves very fast.
NINETIETHninetieth adj. The ordinal form of the number ninety.
ninetieth n. The person or thing in the ninetieth position.
ninetieth n. One of ninety equal parts of a whole.
NITHERINGnithering v. Present participle of nither.
NITHER v. (dialect) to shiver.
ORNITHINEornithine n. (Biochemistry, organic chemistry) An amino acid, 2,5-diaminopentanoic acid, that is not present in protein…
ORNITHINE n. a bird.
SHINTYINGSHINTY v. to play shinty.
SNITCHINGsnitching v. Present participle of snitch.
SNITCH v. to inform on, sneak.
TANGHININtanghinin n. A particular steroid glycoside.
TANGHININ n. the active principle in tanghin, a Madagascan poison formerly used to test the guilt of someone suspected of a crime.
THINKINGSthinkings n. Plural of thinking.
THINKING n. an opinion of judgement.
THINNINGSthinnings n. Plants that have been removed in order to improve the growth of the remainder.
THINNING n. the act of thinning.
THIONINESthionines n. Plural of thionine.
THIONINE n. a violet dye, also THIONIN.
WHINNIESTWHINNY adj. abounding in whins.
WHITENINGwhitening v. Present participle of whiten.
whitening n. A substance, such as a bleach, used to make something white or whiter.
whitening n. The process of making something white or whiter.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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