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There are 19 nine-letter words containing H, 2I, L, O and S

CHILIDOGSchilidogs n. Plural of chilidog.
chili␣dogs n. Plural of chili dog.
CHILIDOG n. a hot dog topped with chili.
HALITOSIShalitosis n. (Pathology) The condition of having stale or foul-smelling breath.
HALITOSIS n. bad breath.
HELICOIDShelicoids n. Plural of helicoid.
HELICOID n. a type of geometrical curve, a flattened spiral.
HELIOPSISHeliopsis prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Asteraceae – certain flowering plants.
HELIOPSIS n. a genus of herbaceous flowering plants in the daisy family.
HEMIOLIASHEMIOLIA n. (Greek) in mediaeval music, a perfect fifth, also HEMIOLA.
HILARIOUShilarious adj. Very funny; causing great merriment and laughter.
hilarious adj. Full of hilarity; merry.
HILARIOUS adj. very amusing.
HOMILISTShomilists n. Plural of homilist.
HOMILIST n. one who delivers a sermon.
HOSTILITYhostility n. (Uncountable) The state of being hostile.
hostility n. (Countable) A hostile action, especially a military action. See hostilities for specific plural definition.
HOSTILITY n. the state of being hostile.
ISOCHIMALisochimal adj. Alternative form of isocheimal.
ISOCHIMAL adj. connecting points of same average winter temperature.
ISOCHIMAL n. an isochimal line, also ISOCHEIMAL.
LIQUORISHliquorish adj. (Obsolete) Lecherous.
LIQUORISH adj. (obsolete) dainty, tempting to the taste; lecherous, also LICKERISH.
MILLIMHOSmillimhos n. Plural of millimho.
MILLIMHO n. a unit of electrical conductance, one thousandth of a mho.
MILLIOHMSmilliohms n. Plural of milliohm.
milli-ohms n. Plural of milli-ohm.
MILLIOHM n. a unit of electrical resistance.
PILOTFISHpilotfish n. Alternative spelling of pilot fish.
pilot␣fish n. A marine fish, Naucrates ductor, that often follows large vessels and sharks.
PILOTFISH n. a tropical fish.
PISOLITHSpisoliths n. Plural of pisolith.
PISOLITH n. a limestone with pea sized formations in circles, also PISOLITE.
POLISHINGpolishing v. Present participle of polish.
polishing n. The action of the verb to polish.
polishing n. (Usually in the plural) An extract of partially milled rice.
SIALOLITHsialolith n. (Medicine, pathology) Technically, a calculus in the salivary ducts causing an obstruction. There are…
SIALOLITH n. a calculus in a salivary gland.
SYPHILOIDsyphiloid adj. (Medicine) Resembling syphilis.
syphiloid n. (Medicine) Any disease resembling syphilis.
SYPHILOID adj. like syphilis.
WHOLISTICwholistic adj. Alternative form of holistic.
WHOLISTIC adj. considering the whole e.g. wholistic medicine, also HOLISTIC.
WILLOWISHwillowish adj. Resembling a willow; willowy.
WILLOWISH adj. of the colour of willow leaves.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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