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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 19 nine-letter words containing H, 2I, K, S and T

AKATHISIAakathisia n. (Medicine) A sensation of restlessness characterized by an inability to sit still/down or remain motionless/seated…
AKATHISIA n. a psychological condition characterised by agitation and a frequent desire to alter the posture, also ACATHISIA.
CHINKIESTCHINKY adj. full of cracks.
INUKSHUITinukshuit n. Plural of inukshuk.
INUKSHUK n. (Inuit) a stone used by Inuit people to mark a location, also INUKSUK.
KITSCHIERkitschier adj. Comparative form of kitschy: more kitschy.
KITSCHY adj. having the quality of kitsch, trashy.
KITSCHIFYkitschify v. (Transitive) To make kitschy.
KITSCHIFY v. to make kitsch.
KITSCHILYkitschily adv. In a kitschy way.
KITSCHY adv. having the quality of kitsch, trashy.
KITTENISHkittenish adj. Having the qualities or likeness of a kitten.
kittenish adj. Playful, sometimes with overtones of female sexuality.
KITTENISH adj. of or like a kitten.
MISTHINKSmisthinks v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of misthink.
MISTHINK v. to think wrongly.
SHIITAKESshiitakes n. Plural of shiitake.
SHIITAKE n. (Japanese) a large dark brown mushroom used in Japanese cookery, also SHITAKE.
SHIRTLIKEshirtlike adj. Resembling a shirt.
SHIRTLIKE adj. like a shirt.
SHTICKIERshtickier adj. Comparative form of shticky: more shticky.
SHTICKY adj. like a shtick, a familiar line of chat adapted by a particular comedian.
SKAITHINGSKAITH v. (Old Norse) (obsolete) to injure, also SCAITH, SCATH, SCATHE.
SKINTIGHTskintight adj. Conforming tightly to the body, snug against the skin.
skin-tight adj. Alternative spelling of skintight.
SKINTIGHT adj. fitting the body closely like a skin.
SKITCHINGskitching v. Present participle of skitch.
SKITCH v. (New Zealand) of a dog, to catch.
TARAKIHIStarakihis n. Plural of tarakihi.
TARAKIHI n. (Maori) an Australasian food fish, also TERAKIHI.
TERAKIHISterakihis n. Plural of terakihi.
TERAKIHI n. (Maori) an Australasian food fish, also TARAKIHI.
THICKSKINthickskin n. A coarse, gross person; a person void of sensibility or sensitiveness; a dullard.
thickskin adj. (Zoology) Applied to various creatures having a thick skin.
thick␣skin n. (Idiomatic) Ability to take criticism or harsh behavior without being easily offended.
THINKINGSthinkings n. Plural of thinking.
THINKING n. an opinion of judgement.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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