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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 16 nine-letter words containing 2H, 2I, S and T

BRIGHTISHbrightish adj. Somewhat bright.
BRIGHTISH adj. somewhat bright.
CHICHIESTCHICHI adj. elaborately ornamented.
HEIGHTISMheightism n. (Informal) A prejudiced attitude about human height that often results in discrimination, based on the…
HEIGHTISM n. discrimination on grounds of height.
HEMISTICHhemistich n. An approximate half-line of verse, separated from another by a caesura, often for dramatic effect.
hemistich n. An unfinished line of verse.
HEMISTICH n. half a verse line.
HIGHTAILShightails v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of hightail.
HIGHTAIL v. to retreat rapidly.
HIGHTINGSHIGHTING n. the act of commanding or calling.
HINDSIGHThindsight n. Realization or understanding of the significance and nature of events after they have occurred.
hindsight n. (Rare) The rear sight of a firearm.
HINDSIGHT n. the ability or opportunity to understand and explain an event after it has happened.
HITCHIESTHITCHY adj. inclined to catch.
LIGHTSHIPlightship n. (Nautical) A vessel riding at anchor and displaying a light for the guidance of sailors, in a position…
light-ship n. Alternative spelling of lightship.
LIGHTSHIP n. a ship intended to function as a lighthouse.
MIDTHIGHSmidthighs n. Plural of midthigh.
MIDTHIGH n. a garment reaching to the middle of the thigh.
PHTHISICSphthisics n. Plural of phthisic.
PHTHISIC n. a disease of the lungs, also PHTHISIS.
RHACHITISrhachitis n. (Pathology) Alternative spelling of rachitis.
RHACHITIS n. inflammation of the spine; rickets, also RACHITIS.
SLIGHTISHslightish adj. Somewhat slight.
SLIGHTISH adj. somewhat slight.
THIRTYISHthirtyish adj. (Informal) Approximately thirty.
thirtyish adj. (Informal) Of about thirty years of age.
THIRTYISH adj. about thirty (in age).
WHISHTINGWHISHT v. (Scots) to keep silent, also WHEESH, WHEESHT.
WHITEFISHwhitefish n. Any of many fish.
whitefish n. The beluga (both the sturgeon and the whale).
whitefish v. To fish for whitefish.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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