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There are 17 eight-letter words containing H, M, 2O, R and S

CHROMOUSchromous adj. (Chemistry) of, relating to, or containing chromium, especially in oxidation state 2.
CHROMOUS adj. of chromium in lower valence.
HORMONEShormones n. (LGBT, slang) Hormone replacement therapy.
hormones n. Plural of hormone.
HORMONE n. a secretion of the endocrine organs.
HUMOROUShumorous adj. Full of humor or arousing laughter; funny.
humorous adj. Showing humor; witty, jocular.
humorous adj. (Obsolete) Damp or watery.
ISOMORPHisomorph n. Anything that exhibits isomorphism.
ISOMORPH n. something similar to something else in form.
MOOCHERSmoochers n. Plural of moocher.
MOOCHER n. a truant, also MICHER, MOUCHER.
MOORHENSmoorhens n. Plural of moorhen.
MOORHEN n. a water bird, aka waterhen.
MUSHROOMmushroom n. Any of the fleshy fruiting bodies of fungi typically produced above ground on soil or on their food…
mushroom n. A fungus producing such fruiting bodies.
mushroom n. Champignon or Agaricus bisporus, the mushroom species most commonly used in cooking.
RESMOOTHresmooth v. (Transitive) To make smooth again.
RESMOOTH v. to smooth again.
ROSHAMBOroshambo n. (Games) Synonym of rock paper scissors.
roshambo v. To play a game of roshambo in order to decide a point of contention.
ROSHAMBO n. (Japanese) the game of rock-paper-scissors.
SHMOOZERSHMOOZER n. one who shmoozes, also SCHMOOZER.
SHOWROOMshowroom n. A room in a business set aside for the display of the company’s products.
showroom n. (Dated) A room or apartment where a show is exhibited.
showroom v. To inspect merchandise in a physical store, then purchase the identical product from an online merchant;…
SHROOMEDshroomed v. Simple past tense and past participle of shroom.
SHROOM v. to take magic mushrooms.
SHROOMERshroomer n. (Informal) A person who gathers wild mushrooms.
shroomer n. (Slang) A person who consumes hallucinogenic mushrooms for their effects.
SHROOMER n. one who takes magic mushrooms.
SHTOOMERSHTOOM adj. (Yiddish) silent, dumb, quiet, also SCHTOOM, SCHTUM, SHTUM, SHTUMM, STUMM.
SMOOCHERsmoocher n. (Informal) Someone who smooches; a kisser.
smoocher n. Someone who borrows trivial items without returning them; a petty thief.
smoocher n. An annoyingly nosy person; a tag-along.
SMOOTHERsmoother adj. Comparative form of smooth: more smooth.
smoother n. One who, or that which, smooths.
smoother n. In glass-cutting, an abrading-wheel for polishing the aces of the grooves cut by another wheel.
WASHROOMwashroom n. A room intended to wash the face and hands.
washroom n. (Canada, rarely US, euphemistic) A room with a toilet, particularly a public toilet.
wash␣room n. An unfurnished room within a building used for hand washing, bathing, laundry, dish washing, etc.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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