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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 11 eight-letter words containing H, I, M, O, R and U

BOHRIUMSBOHRIUM n. a radioactive element.
BOTHRIUMbothrium n. (Zoology) A tentacle; a nerve ending that has a similar morphology.
BOTHRIUM n. (Latin) a groove on a tapeworm.
CHROMIUMchromium n. A chemical element (symbol Cr) with an atomic number of 24: a steely-grey, lustrous, hard and brittle…
Chromium prop.n. (Software) An open source web browser developed by Google.
CHROMIUM n. a metallic element.
HUMIDORShumidors n. Plural of humidor.
HUMIDOR n. (Latin) a humid place for storing cigars etc.
HUMORINGhumoring v. Present participle of humor.
HUMOR v. to humour, also HUMOUR.
HUMORISThumorist n. (Medicine, now rare, historical) Someone who believes that health and temperament are determined by…
humorist n. (Obsolete) Someone subject to whims or fancies; an eccentric.
humorist n. A humorous or witty person, especially someone skilled in humorous writing or performance.
MOUCHOIRmouchoir n. (Dated) A handkerchief.
MOUCHOIR n. (French) a handkerchief.
MOUTHIERmouthier adj. Comparative form of mouthy: more mouthy.
MOUTHY adj. outspoken, obstreperous.
PHORMIUMphormium n. A plant in the genus Phormium, New Zealand flax.
PHORMIUM n. a tall New Zealand evergreen plant of the agave family, with swordlike leaves.
RHODIUMSrhodiums n. Plural of rhodium.
RHODIUM n. a very hard silvery-white metallic chemical element, belonging to the platinum group.
THORIUMSthoriums n. Plural of thorium.
THORIUM n. a radioactive metallic element.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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