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List of 15-letter words containing

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There are 9 fifteen-letter words containing H, N, P and 3R

ERGATANDROMORPHergatandromorph n. (Biology) An andromorph ant that is also a worker.
ERGATANDROMORPH n. an ant combining characteristics of males and workers.
HERNIORRHAPHIESherniorrhaphies n. Plural of herniorrhaphy.
HERNIORRHAPHY n. the surgical repair of a hernia by an operation involving suturing.
HYPERCORRECTIONhypercorrection n. (Linguistics) Nonstandard language use that results from the over-application of a perceived prescriptive rule.
hypercorrection n. (Linguistics) A nonstandard form so used.
HYPERCORRECTION n. a grammatical, usage or pronunciation mistake made by 'correcting' something that's right to begin with.
INTERPRETERSHIPinterpretership n. A qualification in interpreting.
interpretership n. The state of being an interpreter.
INTERPRETERSHIP n. the office of interpreter.
IRREPREHENSIBLEirreprehensible adj. Not reprehensible, blameless, without blame; innocent.
IRREPREHENSIBLE adj. beyond blame.
IRREPREHENSIBLYirreprehensibly adv. In an irreprehensible manner.
IRREPREHENSIBLE adv. beyond blame.
PROTOPORPHYRINSprotoporphyrins n. Plural of protoporphyrin.
PROTOPORPHYRIN n. metal-free porphyrin derived from blood hemin.
RHOMBENPORPHYRSRHOMBENPORPHYR n. an intermediate, moderately fine-grained igneous rock with feldspar phenocrysts rhombic in section, also RHOMBENPORPHYRY, RHOMBPORPHYRY.
RHOMBENPORPHYRYRHOMBENPORPHYRY n. an intermediate, moderately fine-grained igneous rock with feldspar inclusions, also RHOMBENPORPHYR, RHOMBPORPHYRY.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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