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List of 14-letter words containing

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There are 11 fourteen-letter words containing H, L, M, T and 2Y

CHOLECYSTOTOMYcholecystotomy n. (Surgery) The operation of making an opening in the gall bladder, as when removing a gallstone.
CHOLECYSTOTOMY n. the surgical formation of an opening in the wall of the gall bladder, also CHOLECYSTOSTOMY.
HETERONYMOUSLYheteronymously adv. In a heteronymous manner.
HETERONYMOUS adv. like a heteronym, a word having same spelling but different sound and meaning.
HYDROTHERMALLYhydrothermally adv. By hydrothermal means.
HYDROTHERMAL adv. designating naturally hot underground water that has geological effects.
METAPHYSICALLYmetaphysically adv. In a metaphysical manner.
metaphysically adv. Concerning metaphysics.
METAPHYSICAL adv. of or relating to metaphysicist, also METAPHYSIC.
METAPSYCHOLOGYmetapsychology n. (Psychology) The philosophical study of psychology and of the mind.
metapsychology n. (Psychology) A set of principles governing Freudian psychology.
metapsychology n. (Philosophy) The study of how human experience forms, filters perception and shapes identity.
MYTHOLOGICALLYmythologically adv. In a mythological fashion or manner.
MYTHOLOGICAL adv. of or relating to mythology or myths, also MYTHOLOGIC.
POLYCYTHAEMIASpolycythaemias n. Plural of polycythaemia.
POLYCYTHAEMIA n. a condition marked by an abnormal increase in the number of circulating red blood cells, also POLYCYTHEMIA.
POLYSYNTHESISMpolysynthesism n. The use of polysynthetic grammar.
POLYSYNTHESISM n. the state of being polysynthetic.
POLYSYNTHETISMpolysynthetism n. Synonym of polysynthesis.
POLYSYNTHETISM n. the state of being polysynthetic.
SYMPATHOLYTICSsympatholytics n. Plural of sympatholytic.
SYMPATHOLYTIC n. a sympatholytic drug.
UNRHYTHMICALLYunrhythmically adv. In an unrhythmic or unrhythmical manner.
UNRHYTHMICAL adv. not rhythmical, also UNRHYTHMIC.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 119 words
  • Scrabble in French: 3 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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