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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 16 thirteen-letter words containing H, 2L, M, S and U

AMPHIBLASTULAamphiblastula n. A larva of some sponges that has equal numbers of both flagellate and nonflagellate cells separated…
AMPHIBLASTULA n. the free-swimming larva of certain sponges, which consists of a hollow spherical mass of cells some of which have flagella.
BLASPHEMOUSLYblasphemously adv. In blasphemous manner.
BLASPHEMOUS adv. related to blasphemy.
BULBOPHYLLUMSSorry, definition not available.
CHLORAMBUCILSCHLORAMBUCIL n. an oral drug used to treat some cancers, e.g. cancer of the ovary and leukaemia.
HEMICELLULOSEhemicellulose n. (Biochemistry) A mixture of several plant polysaccharides, of smaller molecular weight than cellulose…
HEMICELLULOSE n. a type of polysaccharide, found in plant cell walls, which can be more easily broken down than cellulose.
MALACOPHILOUSmalacophilous adj. (Botany) pollinated by snails or slugs.
MALACOPHILOUS adj. of plants, pollinated by snails.
MELANCHOLIOUSmelancholious adj. (Obsolete) melancholy.
MELANCHOLIOUS adj. melancholic.
MICROPHYLLOUSmicrophyllous adj. (Phytotomy) Of or having microphyll leaves.
MICROPHYLLOUS adj. having minute leaves.
MULTICHANNELSmultichannels n. Multiple channels.
MULTIHOSPITALmultihospital adj. Involving more than one hospital.
MULTIHOSPITAL adj. relating to many hospitals.
PANHELLENIUMSPANHELLENIUM n. a council representing all the sections of the Greeks, also PANHELLENION.
PHILLUMENISTSphillumenists n. Plural of phillumenist.
PHILLUMENIST n. a collector of matchbooks.
POLYTHALAMOUSpolythalamous adj. (Zoology) Having many chambers.
POLYTHALAMOUS adj. having many chambers.
SPATHIPHYLLUMspathiphyllum n. (Botany) Any plant of the genus Spathiphyllum.
SPATHIPHYLLUM n. any tropical plant of the genus Spathiphyllum, having lance-shaped leaves and fleshy white spadices of flowers in white spathes.
UNEMBELLISHEDunembellished adj. Plain, unadorned, or simple.
UNEMBELLISHED adj. not embellished.
UNWHOLESOMELYunwholesomely adv. In an unwholesome manner.
UNWHOLESOME adv. not wholesome.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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