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There are 20 twelve-letter words containing H, 2M, P, R and T

AUTOMORPHISMautomorphism n. (Algebra) An isomorphism of a mathematical object or system of objects onto itself.
automorphism n. The ascription to others of one’s own characteristics.
AUTOMORPHISM n. ascription to others of one's own characteristics.
CHEMOTROPISMchemotropism n. (Biology) The movement or growth of an organism in response to a chemical stimulus.
CHEMOTROPISM n. plant growth in the direction of a particular chemical.
HEMIMORPHITEhemimorphite n. (Mineralogy) An orthorhombic-pyramidal mineral containing hydrogen, oxygen, silicon, and zinc.
HEMIMORPHITE n. an orthorhombic hydrated zinc silicate, usually occurring as white flattened prisms, one of the forms of calamine.
HEMITROPISMSHEMITROPISM n. the state of being a hemitrope, a twinned crystal.
HEPHTHEMIMERhephthemimer n. (Prosody) A group of seven half feet.
HEPHTHEMIMER n. in Greek and Latin prosody, seven half-feet.
LITHOSPERMUMlithospermum n. (Botany) Any plant of the genus Lithospermum.
Lithospermum prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Boraginaceae – the stoneseeds and gromwells.
LITHOSPERMUM n. a kind of flower.
METAMORPHISMmetamorphism n. (Geology) The process by which rocks are changed into other forms by the application of heat and/or pressure.
metamorphism n. (Zoology) The process by which insects develop through life stages, for example, those of embryo, larva…
metamorphism n. (By extension) Any dramatic change from one thing to another.
METAMORPHISTmetamorphist n. (Theology) One who believes that the body of Christ was merged into God when he ascended.
METAMORPHIST n. a person who believes that Christ's body merged into the Deity at the Ascension.
METAMORPHOSEmetamorphose v. (Of a moth or insect, intransitive) To undergo metamorphosis.
metamorphose v. (By extension, intransitive) To undergo some transformation.
metamorphose v. (Transitive) To transform (something) so that it has a completely different appearance.
METAMORPHOUSmetamorphous adj. Metamorphic.
METAMORPHOUS adj. of or relating to metamorphosis (especially of rocks).
MORPHOMETRICmorphometric adj. Of or pertaining to morphometrics.
MORPHOMETRIC adj. relating to morphometry, measurement of form or shape.
OMMATOPHORESommatophores n. Plural of ommatophore.
OMMATOPHORE n. an eyestalk, as in snails.
PENTHEMIMERSPENTHEMIMER n. a metrical group of two and a half feet.
PROTHALAMIUMprothalamium n. Alternative form of prothalamion.
PROTHALAMIUM n. (Spenser) a song in honour of a marriage, also PROTHALAMION.
SPHYGMOMETERsphygmometer n. A sphygmomanometer.
SPHYGMOMETER n. an instrument for measuring arterial blood pressure.
SPRECHSTIMMESprechstimme n. A dramatic vocal style midway between speaking and singing.
SPRECHSTIMME n. (German) music using the sprechgesang form of vocalization.
THEOMORPHISMtheomorphism n. The bestowal of divine attributes on humanity.
THEOMORPHISM n. the concept of man as having the form of a god.
TRIMETHOPRIMtrimethoprim n. (Pharmacology) A synthetic antibiotic used to treat malaria and respiratory and urinary infections (usually…
TRIMETHOPRIM n. a synthetic antibacterial and antimalarial drug used alone or in combination with sulfamethoxazole.
TRIMORPHISMStrimorphisms n. Plural of trimorphism.
TRIMORPHISM n. the property of crystallizing in three forms.
TRIUMPHALISMtriumphalism n. The attitude or belief that a particular doctrine, culture, or social system, particularly a religious…
TRIUMPHALISM n. belief in the superiority of one particular religious creed.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 65 words
  • Scrabble in French: 7 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 2 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 5 words

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