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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 20 eleven-letter words containing H, 2P, 2R and T

CRYPTOGRAPHcryptograph n. A cipher or cryptogram.
cryptograph n. A device used for encrypting or decrypting text.
cryptograph v. (Rare) To write text using a code or cipher.
HYPERTROPHYhypertrophy n. (Countable, medicine) An increase in the size of an organ or tissue due to the enlargement of its individual cells.
hypertrophy n. (Uncountable, bodybuilding) Increase in muscle size through increased size of individual muscle cells;…
hypertrophy v. (Intransitive, of a tissue or organ) To increase in size.
MORPHOTROPYMORPHOTROPY n. the effect on crystalline form of the addition or substitution of an element or radical.
PARAPHRASTSparaphrasts n. Plural of paraphrast.
PARAPHRAST n. a paraphraser.
PARTNERSHIPpartnership n. The state of being associated with a partner.
partnership n. An association of two or more people to conduct a business.
partnership n. (Cricket) The period when two specific batsmen are batting, from the fall of one wicket until the fall…
PETROGRAPHYpetrography n. (Petrology) The branch of petrology that deals with the scientific description and classification of rocks.
petrography n. The art of writing on stone.
PETROGRAPHY n. the description and classification of rocks.
PORPHYRITESporphyrites n. Plural of porphyrite.
PORPHYRITE n. a rock with a porphyritic structure; as, augite porphyrite.
PORPHYRITICporphyritic adj. Of or pertaining to porphyry.
porphyritic adj. (Geology) Containing large crystals in a fine mass of material.
PORPHYRITIC adj. designating an igneous rock in which large crystals (phenocrysts) are set in a matrix of relatively finer-grained crystals or of glass.
PRAETORSHIPpraetorship n. (History) The office or term of a praetor.
PRAETORSHIP n. the office of praetor, a magistrate of ancient Rome, also PRETORSHIP.
PRETORSHIPSpretorships n. Plural of pretorship.
PRETORSHIP n. the office of pretor, a magistrate of ancient Rome, also PRAETORSHIP.
PROCTORSHIPproctorship n. The post or office of proctor.
PROCTORSHIP n. the office of proctor.
PROTOTROPHSprototrophs n. Plural of prototroph.
PROTOTROPH n. a bacterium feeding only on inorganic matter.
PROTOTROPHYprototrophy n. The condition of being a prototroph.
PROTOTROPHY n. the state of being prototrophic.
PURPLEHEARTpurpleheart n. A large tropical tree, of the genus Peltogyne, native to parts of South America and the West Indies.
purpleheart n. The purplish heartwood of this tree, used to make furniture.
purple␣heart n. The drug phenobarbitone when taken recreationally.
SAPROTROPHSsaprotrophs n. Plural of saprotroph.
SAPROTROPH n. any organism, esp. a fungus or bacterium, that lives and feeds on dead organic matter, also SAPROBIONT.
TOPOGRAPHERtopographer n. A person who studies or records topography.
TOPOGRAPHER n. a specialist in topography.
TRANSHIPPERtranshipper n. One who tranships.
TRANSHIPPER n. one who tranships, also TRANSSHIPPER.
TREEHOPPERStreehoppers n. Plural of treehopper.
TREEHOPPER n. a kind of leaping insect.
TROPOSPHEREtroposphere n. The lower levels of the atmosphere extending from the surface of the Earth or another celestial body…
TROPOSPHERE n. a region of the atmosphere from 25,000 feet to 55,000 feet, the boundary between the upper troposphere and the lower stratosphere.
TYPOGRAPHERtypographer n. A person skilled in typography.
typographer n. A typewriter.
typographer n. A kind of bark beetle, Ips typographus.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 69 words
  • Scrabble in French: 14 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 3 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 1 word

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