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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 19 eleven-letter words containing H, 2N, O and 2T

CHANSONETTEchansonette n. Alternative form of chansonnette.
CHANSONETTE n. (French) a little song, a ditty.
CONTRAHENTScontrahents n. Plural of contrahent.
CONTRAHENT n. (historical) a contracting party.
ETHNOBOTANYethnobotany n. (Botany, sociology) The scientific study of the relationships between people and plants.
ethnobotany n. (Pharmacology) The scientific study of traditional medicinal plants used by various ethnic groups.
ETHNOBOTANY n. the plant lore of indigenous cultures.
ETHNOGENISTETHNOGENIST n. a student of ethnogeny.
METHANATIONmethanation n. (Organic chemistry) The reaction of hydrogen and carbon monoxide to form methane.
METHANATION n. the production of methane esp. from carbon monoxide and hydrogen.
NONATHLETESnonathletes n. Plural of nonathlete.
NONATHLETE n. one who is not an athlete.
NONATHLETICnonathletic adj. Having no athletic ability (or interest), especially describing one whose interests are academic.
NONATHLETIC adj. not athletic.
NONATTACHEDnonattached adj. Not attached.
NONATTACHED adj. not attached.
NONTHEISTICnontheistic adj. Not believing in any gods.
NONTHEISTIC adj. not theistic.
NYCTANTHOUSNYCTANTHOUS adj. flowering at night.
OUTNIGHTINGoutnighting v. Present participle of outnight.
OUTNIGHT v. (Shakespeare) to surpass in mentioning nights.
OUTTHANKINGoutthanking v. Present participle of outthank.
OUTTHANK v. to surpass in thanking.
OUTTHINKINGoutthinking v. Present participle of outthink.
OUTTHINK v. to surpass in thinking.
PANTOTHENICpantothenic adj. Of or pertaining to pantothenic acid or its derivatives.
PANTOTHENIC adj. denoting an acid which is a growth-promoting vitamin of vitamin B complex.
PENTATHLONSpentathlons n. Plural of pentathlon.
PENTATHLON n. an athletic contest involving participation by each contestant in five different events.
POTHUNTINGSPOTHUNTING n. going round to athletic meetings to win trophies.
SHANTYTOWNSshantytowns n. Plural of shantytown.
shanty␣towns n. Plural of shanty town.
SHANTYTOWN n. a usually poor town or section of a town consisting mostly of shanties.
THIOPENTONEthiopentone n. (Pharmacology) Thiopental.
THIOPENTONE n. an intravenous anaesthetic.
XANTHATIONSxanthations n. Plural of xanthation.
XANTHATION n. the formation of a xanthate, a salt of xanthic acid.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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