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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 17 eleven-letter words containing H, L, O, T and 2U

FLUTEMOUTHSflutemouths n. Plural of flutemouth.
FLUTEMOUTH n. a fish of the genus Aulostoma, having a much elongated tubular snout.
FOULMOUTHEDfoulmouthed adj. Alternative form of foul-mouthed.
foul-mouthed adj. Tending to use obscene or offensive language.
FOULMOUTHED adj. given to the use of obscene, profane, or abusive language.
FULLMOUTHEDfull-mouthed adj. Of a sheep: having developed all of its permanent teeth.
FULLMOUTHED adj. having a full complement of teeth.
LOUDMOUTHEDloudmouthed adj. Tending to loud, indiscreet, especially bragging, speech.
LOUDMOUTHED adj. given to loud offensive talk.
MULTIAUTHORmultiauthor adj. Written by more than one author.
MULTIAUTHOR adj. having many authors.
OUTBLUSHINGoutblushing v. Present participle of outblush.
OUTBLUSH v. to surpass in blushing.
OUTFLUSHINGoutflushing v. Present participle of outflush.
OUTFLUSH v. to flush more strongly.
OUTHUSTLINGouthustling v. Present participle of outhustle.
OUTHUSTLE v. to surpass in hustling.
OUTLAUGHINGoutlaughing v. Present participle of outlaugh.
OUTLAUGH v. to surpass in laughing.
OUTLAUNCHEDoutlaunched v. Simple past tense and past participle of outlaunch.
OUTLAUNCH v. to launch forth, also OUTLAUNCE.
OUTLAUNCHESoutlaunches v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of outlaunch.
OUTLAUNCH v. to launch forth, also OUTLAUNCE.
SLEUTHHOUNDsleuthhound n. A working dog who tracks or pursues e.g. a wanted criminal; a bloodhound formerly used in Scotland.
sleuthhound n. (Informal) A detective; a sleuth.
sleuth-hound n. Alternative form of sleuthhound.
SULPHURATORsulphurator n. An apparatus for impregnating with, or exposing to the action of, sulphur, especially for purposes of…
SULPHURATOR n. a device for sulphurating.
SULPHURWORTsulphurwort n. The plant hog fennel (Peucedanum officinale).
SULPHURWORT n. an umbelliferous plant akin to parsnip, with yellow flowers and juice.
THEFTUOUSLYtheftuously adv. By theft; thievishly.
THEFTUOUS adv. thievish.
ULOTRICHOUSulotrichous adj. Having woolly hair.
ULOTRICHOUS adj. having wooly or crisply curling hair.
UNTOUCHABLEuntouchable adj. Not able to be touched.
untouchable adj. Not able to be defeated or bested.
untouchable n. A criminal who is so well-connected that they cannot be harmed.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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