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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 19 eleven-letter words containing H, K, N, 2S and T

CHALKSTONESchalkstones n. Plural of chalkstone.
CHALKSTONE n. a mass of chalk; a tophus.
CHOCKSTONESchockstones n. Plural of chockstone.
CHOCKSTONE n. in mountaineering, a stone jammed in a crack.
CRANKSHAFTScrankshafts n. Plural of crankshaft.
crankshafts v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of crankshaft.
crank␣shafts n. Plural of crank shaft.
FRITHSOKENSFRITHSOKEN n. (Old English) sanctuary or asylum.
HANDBASKETShandbaskets n. Plural of handbasket.
hand-baskets n. Plural of hand-basket.
HANDBASKET n. a basket carried in the hand.
HANDSTROKEShandstrokes n. Plural of handstroke.
HANDSTROKE n. the downward movement of the bell rope as the bell swings around allowing the ringer to grasp and pull it.
KINESIPATHSkinesipaths n. Plural of kinesipath.
KINESIPATH n. one who heals by kinesiology.
KINESTHESESkinestheses n. Plural of kinesthesis.
KINESTHESIS n. a sense of the body's movement or of muscular effort, also KINAESTHESIA, KINAESTHESIS, KINESTHESIA.
KINESTHESIAkinesthesia n. Sensation or perception of motion.
kinesthesia n. Proprioception or static position sense; the perception of the position and posture of the body; also…
KINESTHESIA n. a sense of the body's movement or of muscular effort, also KINAESTHESIA, KINAESTHESIS, KINESTHESIS.
KINESTHESISkinesthesis n. Ability to feel motion of the body and limbs.
KINESTHESIS n. a sense of the body's movement or of muscular effort, also KINAESTHESIA, KINAESTHESIS, KINESTHESIA.
KVETCHINESSKVETCHINESS n. the state of being kvetchy.
NIGHTSTICKSnightsticks n. Plural of nightstick.
night␣sticks n. Plural of night stick.
NIGHTSTICK n. (US) a truncheon.
SHECKLATONSSHECKLATON n. (Spenser) a kind of gilt leather, also CHECKLATON, SCHECKLATON.
SHOTMAKINGSSHOTMAKING n. the making of winning or skilful shots.
SKETCHINESSsketchiness n. The property of being sketchy.
SKETCHINESS n. the state of being sketchy.
SNAKEMOUTHSsnakemouths n. Plural of snakemouth.
SNAKEMOUTH n. a North American orchid.
THANKLESSLYthanklessly adv. In a thankless manner, ungratefully.
THANKLESS adv. giving no reward.
THICKNESSESthicknesses n. Plural of thickness.
THICKNESS n. the state of being thick.
TRUNKFISHEStrunkfishes n. Plural of trunkfish.
TRUNKFISH n. any fish of the genus Ostracion, aka boxfish, that has a boxlike bony covering enveloping its entire body.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 100 words
  • Scrabble in French: 3 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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