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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 18 eleven-letter words containing H, K, N, O and 2S

BLOKISHNESSblokishness n. Alternative form of blokeishness.
BLOKISHNESS n. the state of being blokish, affecting a masculine style, also BLOKEISHNESS.
BONESHAKERSboneshakers n. Plural of boneshaker.
bone-shakers n. Plural of bone-shaker.
BONESHAKER n. a car or bicycle with inadequate suspension.
BOOKISHNESSbookishness n. The property of being bookish.
BOOKISHNESS n. the state of being bookish.
CHALKSTONESchalkstones n. Plural of chalkstone.
CHALKSTONE n. a mass of chalk; a tophus.
CHOCKSTONESchockstones n. Plural of chockstone.
CHOCKSTONE n. in mountaineering, a stone jammed in a crack.
CORNHUSKERScornhuskers n. Plural of cornhusker.
Cornhuskers n. Plural of Cornhusker.
CORNHUSKER n. a person or machine that removes cornhusks.
FOLKISHNESSfolkishness n. The quality of being folkish.
FOLKISHNESS n. the state of being folkish.
FRITHSOKENSFRITHSOKEN n. (Old English) sanctuary or asylum.
HANDSTROKEShandstrokes n. Plural of handstroke.
HANDSTROKE n. the downward movement of the bell rope as the bell swings around allowing the ringer to grasp and pull it.
HEXOKINASEShexokinases n. Plural of hexokinase.
HEXOKINASE n. an enzyme.
HOKEYNESSESHOKEYNESS n. the state of being hokey, overdone, contrived, bogus, also HOKINESS.
HOPSACKINGShopsackings n. Plural of hopsacking.
HOPSACKING n. a rough-surfaced loose fabric, also HOPSACK.
MONKISHNESSmonkishness n. The state or condition of being monkish.
MONKISHNESS n. the state of being monkish.
SHECKLATONSSHECKLATON n. (Spenser) a kind of gilt leather, also CHECKLATON, SCHECKLATON.
SHOEMAKINGSSHOEMAKING n. the business of a shoemaker.
SHOTMAKINGSSHOTMAKING n. the making of winning or skilful shots.
SNAKEMOUTHSsnakemouths n. Plural of snakemouth.
SNAKEMOUTH n. a North American orchid.
WONKISHNESSwonkishness n. The state or condition of being wonkish.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 102 words
  • Scrabble in French: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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