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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 14 eleven-letter words containing H, I, P, 2R and U

BURSARSHIPSbursarships n. Plural of bursarship.
BURSARSHIP n. the office of a bursar.
CURATORSHIPcuratorship n. The rank or period of being a curator.
CURATORSHIP n. the office of curator.
ERIOPHORUMSERIOPHORUM n. a plant of the cotton-grass genus.
HARRUMPHINGharrumphing v. Present participle of harrumph.
HARRUMPH v. to clear one's throat noisily in annoyance, also HARUMPH.
HERPESVIRUSherpesvirus n. Any of the family Herpesviridae, double-stranded DNA viruses, many of which are responsible for diseases…
HERPESVIRUS n. the virus responsible for herpes.
PURSERSHIPSpurserships n. Plural of pursership.
PURSERSHIP n. the office of purser.
PYRRHULOXIApyrrhuloxia n. Cardinalis sinuatus (desert cardinal), a North American bird with grey and red plumage.
Pyrrhuloxia prop.n. (Archaic) A taxonomic genus within the family Fringillidae – certain birds similar to cardinals, notably…
PYRRHULOXIA n. a grey-and-pink crested bunting of Central and SW North America, with a short parrot-like bill.
REPUBLISHERrepublisher n. Agent noun of republish; one who republishes.
REPUBLISHER n. one who republishes.
SUPERBRIGHTsuperbright adj. Extremely luminous.
SUPERBRIGHT adj. very bright.
SUPERCHERIEsupercherie n. (Obsolete) Foul play; an attack made by deceit.
supercherie n. (Now chiefly in French contexts) Deception, deceit; an instance of fraud.
SUPERCHERIE n. (French) deception, hoax, fraud.
TRIMORPHOUStrimorphous adj. Trimorphic; having, or relating to, three forms.
TRIMORPHOUS adj. having three forms, also TRIMORPHIC.
UROGRAPHIESurographies n. Plural of urography.
UROGRAPHY n. radiological examination of the urinary tract.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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