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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 14 eleven-letter words containing 2H, M, R, S and Y

ARRHYTHMIASarrhythmias n. Plural of arrhythmia, which can refer to types of arrhythmia, cases of arrhythmia, or episodes of arrhythmia.
ARRHYTHMIA n. absence or irregularity of rhythm e.g. of the heart, also ARHYTHMIA, ARYTHMIA.
DYSRHYTHMIAdysrhythmia n. A disturbance to an otherwise normal biological rhythm, especially that of the heart.
DYSRHYTHMIA n. an abnormal rhythm.
DYSRHYTHMICdysrhythmic adj. Having an unpleasing, irregular beat.
dysrhythmic adj. Having or relating to dysrhythmia.
DYSRHYTHMIC n. someone suffering from dysrhythmia.
EURHYTHMICSeurhythmics n. Alternative spelling of eurythmics.
EURHYTHMICS n. a system of training through physical movement, also EURYTHMICS.
EURHYTHMIESeurhythmies n. Plural of eurhythmy.
EURHYTHMY n. rhythmical movement or order, also EURYTHMY.
EURHYTHMISTEURHYTHMIST n. a practitioner of eurhythmics, also EURYTHMIST.
HELICHRYSUMhelichrysum n. Any of the genus Helichrysum of plants related to the sunflower.
HELICHRYSUM n. a genus of composite plants, the flowers of which keep their colour and shape when dried.
HYPSOCHROMEhypsochrome adj. Hypsochromic.
HYPSOCHROME n. a shift to a shorter wavelength in the absorption spectrum of a compound.
ISORHYTHMICisorhythmic adj. (Music) Pertaining to or using isorhythm.
isorhythmic adj. (Prosody) In ancient prosody, equal in the number of times for thesis and arsis, as a dactyl and anapest.
ISORHYTHMIC adj. in ancient prosody, equal in the number of time-units for thesis and arsis, as dactyl, spondee, anapaest; (in medieval motets) having a strict scheme of repeated rhythm independent of melodic repetition.
POLYRHYTHMSpolyrhythms n. Plural of polyrhythm.
poly-rhythms n. Plural of poly-rhythm.
POLYRHYTHM n. the simultaneous combination of different rhythms in a piece of music.
RHINOPHYMASrhinophymas n. Plural of rhinophyma.
RHINOPHYMA n. acne of the nose.
RHYTHMISINGrhythmising v. Present participle of rhythmise.
RHYTHMISE v. to subject to rhythm, also RHYTHMIZE.
SHAMEWORTHYshameworthy adj. Worthy of shame; shameful.
SHAMEWORTHY adj. worthy of shame.
SYNCHROMESHsynchromesh n. A system of synchronized transmission found in modern gearboxes to make gear changing easier and smoother.
synchromesh n. (By extension) A device which functions like a synchronized transmission.
synchromesh adj. Having the quality of smoothly exchanging interlocking forces.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 32 words
  • Scrabble in French: 4 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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