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There are 20 eleven-letter words containing 2H, 2I, L and O

BATHOLITHICbatholithic adj. Containing or relating to batholith.
BATHOLITHIC adj. of or like a batholith, a large mass of intruded igneous rock.
DOLPHINFISHdolphinfish n. A large food and game fish of the Coryphaenidae family which is commonly found in tropical and subtropical waters.
dolphin␣fish n. Alternative form of dolphinfish.
DOLPHINFISH n. a fish of genus Coryphaea, noted for the brilliance of its colours.
HAEMOPHILIAhaemophilia n. (British spelling, pathology) Any of several hereditary illnesses that impair the body’s ability to…
hæmophilia n. Alternative spelling of haemophilia.
HAEMOPHILIA n. a hereditary disease causing excessive bleeding when any blood vessel is even slightly injured.
HAEMOPHILIChaemophilic adj. (British spelling) of or pertaining to haemophilia.
HAEMOPHILIC adj. suffering from haemophilia, also HEMOPHILIC.
HALOPHILIESHALOPHILY n. being adapted to salt conditions.
HELIOLITHICheliolithic adj. Of a civilization characterized by megaliths and sun-worship.
HELIOLITHIC adj. of or relating to a civilization characterized by sun worship and megaliths.
HELIOPHOBICheliophobic adj. Averse to sunlight.
HELIOPHOBIC adj. afflicted with a morbid fear of the sun.
HELMINTHOIDhelminthoid adj. (Medicine) vermicular; wormlike.
HELMINTHOID adj. worm-shaped.
HEMOPHILIAChemophiliac n. (Medicine) A person with hemophilia.
HEMOPHILIAC n. one affected with hemophilia.
HEMOPHILIAShemophilias n. Plural of hemophilia.
HEMOPHILIA n. a hereditary disease causing excessive bleeding when any blood vessel is even slightly damaged.
HEMOPHILICShemophilics n. Plural of hemophilic.
HEMOPHILIC n. one affected with hemophilia.
HIPPOPHILEShippophiles n. Plural of hippophile.
HIPPOPHILE n. a lover of horses.
HYDROPHILIChydrophilic adj. (Physics, chemistry) Having an affinity for water; able to absorb, or be wetted by water; water-loving.
HYDROPHILIC adj. of, relating to, or having a strong affinity for water.
ICHTHYOIDALichthyoidal adj. Like a fish; ichthyoid.
ICHTHYOIDAL adj. fishlike, also ICHTHYOID.
ICHTHYOLITEichthyolite n. (Obsolete, paleontology) A fossil of a fish.
ICHTHYOLITE n. a fossil fish.
LITHOPHYTIClithophytic adj. Of or pertaining to lithophytes.
lithophytic n. Alternative form of lithophyte.
LITHOPHYTIC adj. of or like a lithophyte, a plant that grows on rock.
PHILOMATHICphilomathic adj. Relating to philomathy.
philomathic adj. Having a love of learning or letters.
PHILOMATHIC adj. loving learning, also PHILOMATHICAL.
PHILOSOPHICphilosophic adj. Synonym of philosophical.
PHILOSOPHIC adj. relating to philosophy, also PHILOSOPHICAL.
PHOTOPHILICphotophilic adj. (Biology) That thrives in bright sunlight.
PHOTOPHILIC adj. light-loving, turning towards the light, also PHOTOPHILOUS.
WITHHOLDINGwithholding v. Present participle of withhold.
withholding n. The deduction of taxes from an employee’s salary.
withholding n. The tax so deducted, and paid to local or national government.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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