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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 13 ten-letter words containing H, L, N and 3O

BLOODHOUNDbloodhound n. A large scenthound famed for its ability to follow a scent many days old, over vast distances. This…
bloodhound n. (Figurative) A detective or other person skilled at finding people or clues.
bloodhound n. (Archaic) A bloodthirsty person.
CHRONOLOGYchronology n. (Uncountable) The science of determining the order in which events occurred.
chronology n. (Countable) An arrangement of events into chronological order; called a timeline when involving graphical elements.
CHRONOLOGY n. the science that deals with measuring time by regular divisions and that assigns to events their proper dates.
COMMONHOLDcommonhold n. (Property law, England & Wales) The freehold tenure of part of a multioccupancy building (typically…
COMMONHOLD n. a freehold held in common by a number of owners.
CONCHOLOGYconchology n. The study of molluscs and their shells.
conchology n. The hobby of shell collecting.
CONCHOLOGY n. the study of shells.
HOLOHEDRONholohedron n. A holohedral crystal.
HOLOHEDRON n. a geometrical form possessing the property of holohedrism.
HOMOLOSINEhomolosine adj. (Cartography) Being or employing a particular pseudocylindrical, equal-area, composite projection used for world maps.
HOMOLOSINE adj. as in homolosine projection, an equal-area projection map of the globe.
HOROLOGIONhorologion n. A liturgical book in the Eastern Church, containing the daily offices corresponding to the Western breviary.
LOOPHOLINGloopholing v. Present participle of loophole.
LOOPHOLE v. to make small openings in.
MORPHOLINOmorpholino n. (Genetics) A structural analog of natural nucleic acid used to modify gene expression, in which the…
MORPHOLINO n. a type of molecule used in altering the development of genes by preventing the access of other molecules.
ORTHOGONALorthogonal adj. (Geometry) Of two objects, at right angles; perpendicular to each other.
orthogonal adj. (Mathematics).
orthogonal adj. (Statistics) Statistically independent, with reference to variates.
PHONOLOGICphonologic adj. Alternative form of phonological.
PHONOLOGIC adj. relating to phonology, also PHONOLOGICAL.
PHOTONOVELphotonovel n. A story illustrated with photographs and text captions.
PHOTONOVEL n. a novel in the form of a series of photographs with speech balloons.
SHONGOLOLOshongololo n. (South Africa) A millipede.
SHONGOLOLO n. (Nguni) a kind of millipede, having a hard shiny dark brown segmented exoskeleton, also SONGOLOLO.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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