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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 9 ten-letter words containing H, 2L, N, O and R

CHANCELLORchancellor n. A senior secretary or official with administrative or legal duties, sometimes in charge of some area…
chancellor n. The head of the government in some German-speaking countries.
chancellor n. (Christianity) A senior record keeper of a cathedral; a senior legal officer for a bishop or diocese…
DOWNHILLERdownhiller n. Someone who is traveling downhill. (Can we add an example for this sense?)
downhiller n. (Skiing) A skier who participates in the downhill.
downhiller n. (Cycling) A cyclist who takes part in downhill races.
FLUGELHORNflugelhorn n. A brass instrument resembling a cornet but with a wider, conical bore, and usually with three valves…
flügelhorn n. Alternative spelling of flugelhorn.
FLUGELHORN n. (German) a bugle with valves, also FLUEGELHORN.
HORMONALLYhormonally adv. In a hormonal way.
HORMONAL adv. relating to hormones, also HORMONIC.
LANDHOLDERlandholder n. A person who owns land.
LANDHOLDER n. a holder, owner, or proprietor of land.
LIENHOLDERlienholder n. (Law) Used in instances of title of property (such as a vehicle) to refer to the person who has right…
LIENHOLDER n. a party who holds a lien on a property.
RHINOLALIArhinolalia n. (Pathology) a nasal quality of speech from some disease or defect of the nasal passages.
RHINOLALIA n. nasal speech.
THORNBILLSthornbills n. Plural of thornbill.
THORNBILL n. any one of several species of small, brilliantly colored American birds, which have a long, slender, sharp bill.
TRILLIONTHtrillionth adj. The ordinal form of the number one trillion.
trillionth n. The person or thing in the trillionth position.
trillionth n. One of a trillion equal parts of a whole.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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