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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 14 ten-letter words containing H, I, 2O, P and U

AUTOPHOBIAautophobia n. The morbid fear of being alone or of oneself.
autophobia n. Self-hatred.
autophobia n. Fear or dislike of automobiles.
DIMORPHOUSdimorphous adj. Dimorphic; occurring or existing in two different forms.
DIMORPHOUS adj. characterized by dimorphism; occurring under two distinct forms, not dependent on sex; dimorphic.
ERIOPHORUMEriophorum prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Cyperaceae – cottongrass, found in acidic bogs, especially in the Arctic.
ERIOPHORUM n. a plant of the cotton-grass genus.
EUPHONIOUSeuphonious adj. Of sounds, especially speech: demonstrating or possessing euphony; agreeable to the ear; pleasant-sounding.
EUPHONIOUS adj. agreeable in sound, also EUPHONIC, EUPHONICAL.
EUROPHOBIAEurophobia n. A dislike of Europe or its culture or inhabitants.
Europhobia n. Euroscepticism.
EUROPHOBIA n. an irrational fear of Europe and things European.
EUROPHOBICEurophobic adj. Disliking Europe or the European Union.
EUROPHOBIC adj. suffering from europhobia, an irrational fear of Europe and things European.
GEOPHILOUSgeophilous adj. Loving the ground: specifically applied to sundry animals, especially the Geophila or land-snails.
geophilous adj. (Botany) Terrestrial; growing or rooting in the ground.
geophilous adj. (Phytogeography) growing on the ground or on decaying vegetable matter: applied by Pound and Clements…
MYOPHILOUSMYOPHILOUS adj. pollinated by flies, also MYIOPHILOUS.
OPHIUROIDSophiuroids n. Plural of ophiuroid.
OPHIUROID n. a member of the Ophiura genus of brittle-stars or sand-stars, also OPHIURA, OPHIURAN, OPHIURID.
PHILOLOGUEphilologue n. A philologist.
PHILOLOGUE n. a person who studies or has knowledge of philology, also PHILOLOGER, PHILOLOGIAN, PHILOLOGIST.
PILOTHOUSEpilothouse n. (Nautical) A wheelhouse.
pilothouse n. A yacht or other small vessel which has a wheelhouse.
PILOTHOUSE n. a shelter for steering gear and pilot.
UPHOORDINGUPHOORD v. (Shakespeare) to hoard up.
UPSHOOTINGupshooting v. Present participle of upshoot.
UPSHOOT v. to shoot upwards.
ZOOPHILOUSzoophilous adj. Of, pertaining to, or pollinated by means of zoophily (pollinated by animals).
ZOOPHILOUS adj. loving animals.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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