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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 17 ten-letter words containing H, I, L, M, N and R

CHARMINGLYcharmingly adv. In a charming manner.
CHARMING adv. having charm.
CHLORAMINEchloramine n. (Chemistry) any of a class of unstable compounds of nitrogen and chlorine R1R2NCl; also the parent compound…
CHLORAMINE n. any of various compounds containing nitrogen and chlorine.
CHURNALISMchurnalism n. (Derogatory) The use of ready-made press release material copied wholesale into a newspaper article…
CHURNALISM n. a type of journalism that relies on reusing existing material such as press releases and wire service reports instead of original research.
HARMALINESharmalines n. Plural of harmaline.
HARMALINE n. an alkaloid derived from harmala seeds, also HARMALIN, HARMIN, HARMINE.
HARMONICALharmonical adj. Alternative form of harmonic.
HARMONICAL adj. concordant; musical; as, harmonic sounds.
LIGHTERMANlighterman n. (Nautical) One employed on, owning, or managing a lighter.
LIGHTERMAN n. a person employed on, or who manages, a lighter.
LIGHTERMENlightermen n. Plural of lighterman.
LIGHTERMAN n. a person employed on, or who manages, a lighter.
MARSHALINGmarshaling v. (US) present participle of marshal.
marshaling n. Alternative form of marshalling.
MARSHAL v. to put in proper order, also MARSHALL.
MENARCHIALmenarchial adj. Alternative form of menarcheal.
MENARCHIAL adj. relating to the menarche, also MENARCHEAL.
MILLIHENRYmillihenry n. A unit of measure, one thousandth of a henry.
MILLIHENRY n. a thousandth of a henry.
MONARCHIALmonarchial adj. Alternative form of monarchical.
MONARCHIAL adj. relating to monarchy, also MONARCHICAL.
MONORHINALmonorhinal adj. (Zoology) Having a single nasal passage.
MONORHINAL adj. having one nostril, also MONORHINE.
MORPHOLINEmorpholine n. (Organic chemistry) A six-membered, saturated heterocycle tetrahydro-1,4-oxazine containing four carbon…
MORPHOLINE n. a colourless liquid, formerly used as an emulsifier to provide a glossy coating to waxes.
MORPHOLINOmorpholino n. (Genetics) A structural analog of natural nucleic acid used to modify gene expression, in which the…
MORPHOLINO n. a type of molecule used in altering the development of genes by preventing the access of other molecules.
TRIMONTHLYtrimonthly adj. Occurring at intervals three months apart.
trimonthly n. A periodical publication that appears four times per year (every three months).
TRIMONTHLY adj. every three months.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 71 words
  • Scrabble in French: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 7 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 45 words

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